Yuji vs. Asta: who will win?

Yuji vs. Asta: who will win?

The future of shounen manga looks really bright with all the new titles featuring captivating plots and intriguing characters. Currently, two of the biggest shounen titles are and . Both are incredibly popular, as are their respective protagonists: and . But if these two new age shounen heroes were to face each other, who would win? Here's our take on Yuji vs. Asta.

As shounen manga protagonists, Yuji and Asta have a number of similarities. They both begin their journey as underdogs, still trying to understand their inner powers. However, they both share their bodies with another entity, for very different reasons and contexts. These two underdogs have come a long way since their beginnings and have become some of the strongest characters in their respective stories.

So, if these young men were to fight each other, who would dominate this battle of protagonists? Let's find out here with Yuji against Asta:


Yuji Itadori: Power and Abilities

Yuji Itadori: Power and Abilities

The protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen is Yuji Itadori, a seemingly normal high school student whose life changes one day after encountering and learning about curses. In a moment of desperation, he ends up swallowing a cursed object that makes him the vessel of , known as . Now that an execution is imminent, Yuji must learn the ways of the jujutsu world and himself.

Despite being the protagonist, Yuji possesses the most basic ability in the story. He has always been physically gifted to the point of being able to perform superhumanly. Yuji is also a very skilled hand-to-hand combatant and possesses instincts far greater than that of any normal human, even jujutsu wizards.

However, when it comes to jujutsu, he has little to show. Here are Yuji Itadori's power and abilities:

  • Divergent Fist: Being so new to the world of jujutsu, Yuji initially struggles to control his cursed energy. Under the guidance of , he learns to channel it, even if he does not yet possess a cursed technique. Instead, he channels his cursed energy into his hand-to-hand combat techniques so that the cursed energy hits the target an instant after the physical blow. Yuji calls this technique Divergent Fist.
  • Black Flash: Black Flash is a technique that requires a deep understanding of cursed energy and that few jujutsu sorcerers are capable of performing. In this technique, the user channels their cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of the physical hit, creating a spatial distortion which, in turn, causes the cursed energy to flash black.

Asta: power and abilities

Asta: Power and Abilities

The other challenger in the Yuji vs. Asta fight is Asta, the protagonist of Black Clover. In a world where everyone is born with magic, he is the only one without any magical abilities. Asta is an orphan who grew up in a church with his friend and fellow orphan. The two boys dream of becoming the king of their kingdom. Ambition seems impossible for Asta until he receives an unprecedented five-leaf clover spellbook.

Although Asta has never had any magical powers, he has always been blessed with exceptional physical prowess. Early on, he displayed extraordinary strength, speed, and endurance, and even more so later when wielding the enormous swords provided by his grimoire. Asta's lack of mana also helps him on several occasions.

As with any wizard, Asta's true power comes from his grimoire. Despite having no mana, Asta obtains a five-leaf clover spellbook that has never been heard of. Here are the powers provided by his unique grimoire:

  • Anti Magic: Asta's grimoire gives him the unique power of Anti Magic, that is, the ability to cancel magic.
  • Anti-Magic Swords: He channels his Anti-Magic through a bunch of anti-magic swords provided by his grimoire. As of now, Asta has four different anti-magic swords, each with a different appearance and specific ability.
  1. Demon-Slayer Sword: The Demon-Slayer Sword allows Asta to deflect spells by channeling his Anti Magic into the edges of the sword.
  2. Demon-Dweller Sword: The Demon-Dweller Sword can cut spells by releasing projected cuts of Anti Magic.
  3. Demon-Destroyer Sword: The Demon-Destroyer Sword comes with a special ability called Casualty Break that allows Ats to absorb the aftereffects of any spell.
  4. Demon-Slasher Katana: Unlike the other three, the Demon-Slasher Katana does not come from Asta's grimoire, but is instead given to him by Yami Sukehiro. After channeling Anti-Magic into the sword, Asta can launch an attack that only affects his target and does no harm to anyone else. Later, the sword enters Asta's grimoire and becomes part of his collection.
  • Unite: Asta's possession of the five-leaf clover grimoire also links him to the Devil Liebe. After uniting with Liebe, Asta becomes stronger and faster and gains the ability to coat any weapon with his Anti Magic.
  • Ki: Asta learns Ki from Hino country. After learning it, he can use his sixth sense to perceive any attack without seeing it. He can also focus on channeling his Anti Magic and launch a thrown shot with the help of Ki.

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Yuji Itadori: Power and Abilities

Yuji Itadori: Power and Abilities

Now that we've discussed their individual powers and abilities, let's see how they would behave if fighting against each other. Since the power system is different in their respective anime, we'll have to assume that cursed energy is the same as mana to get an idea of ​​how the Yuji vs. Asta fight would play out.

Both Yuji and Asta are physically gifted and rely heavily on their physical prowess. Yuji's use of cursed energy is limited to his Divergent Fist and Black Flash. In Asta's case, he has no mana at all. However, what he does have is Anti Magic. But even if Asta negated Yuji's cursed energy, the newbie jujutsu sorcerer would still give tough competition.

This is why Yuji is a difficult opponent for Asta because, unlike his Black Clover opponents, Yuji does not rely entirely on mana or cursed energy in his case. This is why Asta's Anti Magic would only give him a small advantage.

Asta is a skilled enough fighter to challenge Yuji and has the added advantage of being a master swordsman and proficient in Ki. But despite these in his arsenal, Asta would lose to Yuji in martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, leaving the jujutsu wizard to be the victor in the Yuji vs. Asta fight.

To get a better idea of ​​how the fight would play out, we'll compare them in different aspects of the fight:

Strength based

As mentioned before, Yuji and Asta are physically very strong. Yuji is able to lift an entire car while Asta regularly wields his massive swords effortlessly. But when it comes to strength, you have to give this point to Yuji because his fights mostly depend on his physical strength. He has demonstrated superhuman strength on several occasions, including breaking someone's bones with his punches and kicking his opponents several meters away.

Based on speed

They are also very fast. Yuji showed his exceptional speed, faster than the world record. Asta is also fast but not quite on par with Yuji. Thus, Yuji wins both Yuji's strength and speed rounds against Asta.

Based on sustainability

Durability is important in a fight and Yuji and Asta have a lot of it. Both can withstand multiple attacks and damage while continuing to fight. However, Yuji's superhuman endurance far exceeds Asta's naturally high durability in a fight.

Based on capabilities

As far as abilities go, Asta surpasses Yuji quite easily. Yuji's use of cursed energy is very limited and he doesn't even have a cursed technique while Asta's Anti Magic is nothing short of an ace in the hole. Along with this, Asta also masters Ki and now possesses superhuman perception of his surroundings and exceptional instincts.

There's no doubt that Asta wins the abilities round of the Yuji vs. Asta fight since Yuji relies too much on hand-to-hand combat to be considered versatile.


At the end of our Yuji vs. Asta discussion, we see that even though he doesn't have any very special abilities, Yuji is still a very strong character who can win a fight purely through his physical prowess and skill in arts martial arts. As a next-gen shounen protagonist, this is pretty rare and is what makes him such a great main character. Asta is also a wonderful protagonist who only gets better with time.

His defeat in this hypothetical fight is solely due to Yuji's lack of trust in his cursed energy. But ability-wise, Asta is far superior.

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