Gojo vs. Kakashi: who will win and why?

Battle of the Teachers: Gojo versus Kakashi: who will win and why?

Teachers or “sensei” have always played a crucial role in shounen anime. Two of the greatest and most popular shounen teachers of all time are Kakashi Hatake of and .

When Naruto was still airing, Kakashi was one of the most beloved characters, his popularity sometimes even surpassing that of the protagonist and deuteragonist. Gojo, likewise, now holds the position of the most popular anime character who easily stole the spotlight from his anime's protagonist and deuteragonist.

But it's not just popularity that Kakashi and Gojo share, but also excellence. In Naruto, Kakashi is a prodigy who has repeatedly demonstrated his powers and cool fighting style. In Jujutsu Kaisen however, Gojo is undoubtedly the most powerful jujutsu wizard. What happens when these two cool, brilliant professors face off? Who will win the Gojo vs. Kakashi fight and why? Let's find out.


Satoru Gojo: powers and abilities

Satoru Gojo: Powers and Abilities

The first competitor in the Gojo vs. Kakashi fight is Satoru Gojo, a special grade jujutsu sorcerer and the most powerful sorcerer of modern times. He teaches the first year students of Tokyo Jujutsu High and is one of the main characters of Jujutsu Kaisen.

Powers and Abilities

  • Gojo is the only member of his clan to be born with two of their most powerful Legacy Cursed Techniques: Six Eyes and Limitless.
  • Six Eyes allows Gojo to perceive the world on an atomic level, covering a wider field of vision and minimizing his damn energy consumption, ensuring he never runs out of CE. This, in turn, also boosts his use of Limitless.
  • Limitless is the other legacy Gojo CT and the strongest CT introduced in the story. This CT works on the atomic level and has three forms: Infinite, Red and Blue.
  • Infinity is Limitless's neutral form and Gojo's most useful CT. Contrary to popular belief, Infinity is not a shield and does not prevent any attacks from reaching Gojo. Rather, it creates an infinite number of checkpoints between Gojo and the outside world. The attack from the outside slows down to an infinite pace after entering the Infinite field and thus never reaches Gojo. It describes the mechanism of Infinity as well as the principle of Achilles and the Turtle.
  • Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue is the attractive form of Limitless. It attracts any person or attack towards Gojo. He can also use this technique to teleport to a certain location.
  • Cursed Technique Reversal: Red is the other form of Limitless. It has the property of repelling and can repel any attack or person.
  • By combining the Red and Blue techniques, Gojo creates a massive singularity that destroys everything at the atomic level. This technique is called Hollow Purple.
  • Gojo, Unlimited Void, creates a confined space and provides his captured target with an infinite amount of information in a matter of seconds, rendering them catatonic.
  • With the Reverse Cursed technique, Gojo can heal himself and even regrow an amputated limb.

Kakashi Hatake: Powers and Abilities

Kakashi Hatake: Powers and Abilities

The other competitor is the very popular Kakashi Hatake, the Jonin instructor of Team 7. Thanks to his penchant for copying others' jutsu with his Sharingan, he has been nicknamed "Copier Ninja Kakashi" and "Kakashi of the Sharingan". .

Power and abilities

  • Kakashi is one of the most skilled ninjas in the Five Nations and has countless jutsu under his belt. However, his trump card in combat is the Sharingan.
  • The Sharingan allows Kakashi to receive greater visual information and copy the movements he sees with it. This, in turn, helps him replicate the hand seals of his opponents and copy any ninjutsu.
  • The Sharingan also gives him access to more powerful genjutsu.
  • Kakashi possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan which is the elevated form of the Sharingan. He shares his Mangekyo Sharingan with Obito Uchiha, the original owner of the Sharingan. The Mangekyo Sharingan allows Kakashi to use Kamui and warp anything in Kamui's alternate dimension.
  • Kakashi's chakra nature is Lightning Release. His signature technique is Chidori which is lightning chakra concentrated in his hand in large quantities.
  • Chidori's superior form is the Raikiri or Lightning Cutter, capable of cutting lightning.
  • Besides his own lightning-based jutsu, Kakashi has access to numerous ninjutsu of different chakra natures.
  • After receiving the Sharingan in both eyes when Obito's spirit inhabited his body, Kakashi could use the long-range Kamui, the Kamui Shuriken, and the full-bodied Susanoo.
  • Along with this, Kakashi can also use standard ninjutsu like Shadow Clone Jujutsu, and even the Rasengan invented by Minato.

Overlord Figure Come and See

Gojo vs. Kakashi: who will win and why?

Gojo vs. Kakashi

The problem when comparing two different anime characters is the difference in power scale. Different anime have different standards when it comes to power and power systems, making it difficult to find common ground when comparing them. This also goes for Gojo vs. Kakashi. Therefore, to find common ground, we are going to assume that curse energy and chakra are the same in this scenario.

Gojo and Kakashi's fighting styles are very different, as are their powers. But they share one similarity: their special eyes. Kakashi possesses a Mangekyo Sharingan which grants him one of Naruto's most useful abilities. Gojo, on the other hand, uses the Six Eyes which allow him to see everything at the atomic level.

In the Gojo vs. Kakashi fight, the Six Eyes and Sharingan would prove difficult for either opponent. But there are other aspects of the fight that can determine the winner. For example, speed and durability play a crucial role in a fight. Both Gojo and Kakashi are very fast but the ninja's speed exceeds that of the jujutsu wizard. However, this may not do Kakashi much good because no matter how fast he is, he cannot bypass Infinity to harm Gojo.

When it comes to sustainability, Gojo has the upper hand. Kakashi has a high pain tolerance and is extremely durable in combat. However, he can easily be wiped out due to chakra deficiency after using his Sharingan for too long. He can only use Kamui three times per day and Raikiri four times per day.

In comparison, Gojo's durability is extremely high. Thanks to the Six Eyes, he uses very little CE on his already high resources, ensuring he never runs out of CE. He can use domain extensions multiple times per day, a nearly impossible feat for jujutsu sorcerers. On top of that, he can heal and regenerate himself to a certain extent thanks to RCT.

The fight may be difficult, but in the end, Gojo's chances of winning the Gojo vs. Kakashi fight are higher than the ninja's. Now let's take a deeper look at the Gojo vs. Kakashi fight and see how certain elements of their powers play against each other:

Infinite vs. Kamui

Infinity vs. Kamui

The biggest challenge in fighting Gojo is his untouchability, thanks to his Infinity. Gojo is always covered in it and unless he wants to turn it off, nothing can get past him. Kakashi also has a jutsu that allows him to warp time and space. With Kamui, he can transport anything or anyone, including himself, to an alternate dimension. Along with the expected results, Kamui also allows Kakashi to become intangible for a period of time.

So here we have an untouchable and intangible adversary. Physical attacks are useless against both of them. Unless Kakashi finds a way around Infinity and Gojo finds a way around Kamui. One is harder than the other. The only way to circumvent Infinity is to trap Gojo in a domain expansion impossible for Kakashi. However, bypassing Kamui is entirely possible and has been done several times in Naruto.

Unlimited Void vs. Susanoo

Unlimited Void vs. Susanoo

But Kakashi has more than Kamui in his arsenal. He has Susanoo which is very dangerous but not inevitable, especially with Hollow Purple which is a singularity which destroys matter at the atomic level.

Gojo's advantage in the Gojo vs. Kakashi fight may be his domain extension: unlimited void. It is completely unavoidable and impossible to protect against. If Kakashi is caught in the area, the fight ends in one second. There is no way to counter a domain outside of another domain or attack it from the outside.

Six Eyes vs. Sharingan

Six Eyes vs. Sharingan

Both Gojo and Kakashi have very special eyes. Kakashi's Sharingan allows him to see through and copy his opponent's movements which will help him a lot in melee. But he can't use it to copy Gojo's techniques, at least not in their entirety, because Limitless' full potential can only be used in collaboration with Six Eyes.

Other than that, Gojo doesn't use any hand seals to use his techniques, so copying them will be impossible for Kakashi anyway.

The Sharingan, for its part, gives Kakashi access to a very powerful genjujtsu. But since the Six Eyes can see through matter at the atomic level, genjutsu won't work against him, and neither will jutsu like the Shadow Clone Technique.


So, as we see, Gojo vs. Kakashi may be a close and intense fight, but Gojo has the upper hand in this hypothetical battle. We therefore declare Gojo the winner of Gojo against Kakashi.

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