Ranking of all Sakamoto members

Ranking of all members working under Slur during Sakamoto Days, 2024

Sakamoto Days is considered one of the best ongoing manga series in Shounen Jump, and it's not hard to see why. In series since November 2020, the manga series has so far been collected into 15 tankobon volumes and has over 4 million copies in circulation.

With a fresh and unique premise and an incredibly fluid art style, the series delivers a story that keeps us engaged every week. The characters are so dynamic and three-dimensional that you can't help but be drawn to their charm.

With the motley crew of our beloved main cast and the JAA, the main point of conflict in the series is Slur. Led by X/Uzuki, they are a group of rogue assassins whose sole goal is to destroy the JAA.

It's not entirely clear yet, but the group members' main motivation appears to be revenge against the JAA for the Al-Kamar orphanage. It was revealed that Al-Kamar was a secret orphanage run by JAA and used to create orphaned children.

Most of Slur's main members grew up in this orphanage, and there appears to be a connection between their tragedy and the current JAA director, Asaki.

JAA is, but Slur is not to be taken lightly. X and the other members are quite ruthless and don't care about obliterating others in their path to achieve their goals. Today we will rank these members based on their current abilities and status.

We will also take into account various factors other than physical strength. As always, ranking lists are subjective and open to discussion.

All members working under Slur

10) Thighs


Uda was one of the lowest-ranked members within the organization and briefly played a minor role in the manga series. Uzuki sent him to work as an undercover agent within the JAA for a year and helped him infiltrate the Tokyo office of the JAA headquarters.

Uda was proficient in handling a firearm. He managed to hold Shin off for a while when he and Sakamoto first met Slur. However, it is very unlikely that he will be able to do so again, considering Shin's growth since then. He was quickly eliminated by Takamura.

He was extremely loyal to Uzuki and Slur. In order to help him and Gaku escape, he held Takamura and blew himself up.

09) Crazy Horiguchi

Mad Horiguchi

Mad Horiguchi is a minor antagonist of the Lab arc. He is a mad scientist and one of the people under Kashima who took over the Asakura Research Lab.

Horiguchi uses his scientific knowledge to aid development. It has a number of mysterious chemicals in its arsenal that can disrupt a person's brain signals.

He can also modify his physical strength through his experiments. Sakamoto and Shin were hit by his strange needles, forcing them to hit each other every time they attacked him. However, he was quite easily defeated by Shin's mind reading and the duo's collaboration.

Jujutsu Kaisen Figure Come See

08) Club Jam

Club Jam

Club Jam is one of the senior members of Slur's group who infiltrated JCC with Kanaguri to obtain the database.

He possesses hypnotic powers and can enslave an entire crowd to his wishes. He uses a blade and chain as a weapon, although it appears he relies heavily on his brainwashing techniques.

Jam carries out his commands by clapping his hands. He also appears to have enhanced speed, which he used to obtain Seba's SD card.

Their brainwashing can make the person see the one they hate the most. He is extremely masochistic and becomes excited when others hurt him.

07) Carolina Reaper

Carolina Reaper

Carolina Reaper is Club Jam's older brother. He has a rude attitude and usually hurls insults at both comrades and enemies. He doesn't seem to care much for his brother and hates his masochistic tendencies.

Carolina hasn't shown all of his abilities, but he is strong enough. He has good strength and speed, enough to easily dodge Kanaguri's attack. He also has an uncanny ability to spit and incinerate his enemies. It is unknown how his pyrotechnic works, but if he is not careful he can burn his mouth and has to drink water after using it.

06) Kashima


Kashima was a main antagonist in one of the series' early arcs and a later antagonist. He has very strange morals and almost worships Slur since he accepted and recruited him.

Kashima's physical abilities are not weak, but his main strength lies in his quasi-immortal body. 70% of his body is surgically modified, allowing him to conceal a number of weapons. His limbs are reattachable and his spine is artificial, making his neck almost impossible to break.

Sakamoto defeated him during the Lab arc, but thanks to his regenerative abilities and advanced surgical knowledge, he was able to return his body to normal.

Currently, he has been captured by Sakamoto and others. After becoming disappointed with Uzuki's plans, he became more cooperative in passing on information and also shows signs of joining the Sakamoto gang.

He may be ranked 6th on the list, but it's harder to give him a more decisive ranking against someone who is supposed to never die.

05) Kanaguri


It seems Slur's group has no shortage of weirdos, and Kanaguri is one of them. Another undercover Slur agent, Kanaguri, is a former member of the order and a renowned director.

He has an intense passion for cinema, which is clearly reflected in his style and weapons. He views the world as a setting for his films, and his physical abilities seem to improve whenever he is determined to improve a scene. On the other hand, he has a fairly unstable mood and becomes weak when he loses motivation.

Kanaguri has enhanced strength and speed. His speed is so fast that Shin has difficulty keeping track of his moments thanks to his clairvoyance. It uses modified cinema equipment like a video camera barrel and a clapperboard capable of resisting bullets.

Kanaguri also managed to kill Satoda-sensei, prompting Sakamoto to fight with him. He has great durability and pain tolerance since he can withstand Sakamoto's various attacks.

04) Haruma


Haruma is an assassin who was also an orphan in Al-Ahmar. He seems to be completely devoted to Uzuki's revenge since he was probably personally affected by everything JAA did with the orphans in the past.

Haruma is normally quite calm and relaxed. However, like Kumanomi, he is a formidable fighter. The exact extent of his skills is unknown, but Shishiba compares his strength to that of Ryo.

Haruma has a lot of raw power. His weapon of choice is a cast iron shot put ball, which he can throw and handle with relative ease. He considers himself good at this. He can also break iron chains. The force of his throws is enough to pierce walls and pass through humans.

03) Gaku


Gaku is one of the most powerful characters in the series and is the only one capable of standing up to Takamura so far. He uses a large mace with a cubic spike head as a weapon.

He has high strength, speed and reflexes. Gaku easily tore through the JCC members time and time again and barely flinched when Takamura cut off his hand, fingers, and ear.

Still, it seemed like too much of an enemy for him during the assassins' exposure. He brutally injured and disguised Gaku as himself so he could bait Uzuki while disguising himself as Gaku.

02) Kumanomi


Kumanomi was also part of Al-Ahmar and was featured with Haruma in the series. She is quite intimidating and direct. For some reason, she cares a lot about manners and doesn't like it when others don't present themselves properly. Due to his extreme personality, even Gaku avoids him.

Kumanomi is an assassin. She uses electromagnetic gloves as her main weapon, capable of weaponizing her entire environment. She can shoot and throw any type of metal object and is capable of manipulating iron sand which can both block and attack.

Kumanomi managed to kill Hyo, a member of the Order, despite fighting Heisuke at the same time, a testament to her strength. However, the battle did not leave her completely unscathed. Hyo almost took her with him and she had to cut her arm to get away from him.

01) X/Uzuki


First up is the mysterious leader of the group, Kei Uzuki, aka Slur. Uzuki is so strong that he is capable of destroying a quarter of the assassin industry, prompting the order to intervene.

It was he who probably put the bounty on Sakamoto. Although his past with Sakamoto is revealed, it is still shrouded in much mystery since Sakamoto already killed him once.

He hasn't shown his full potential, but Uzuki has incredible speed and reflexes. He is so fast that he can stab the famous (but out of shape) Sakamoto in the stomach and keep up with Sakamoto's lightning speed during their brief fight.

We will soon witness a confrontation between Nagumo and Uzuki. I hope you're looking forward to it as much as we are!

Till next time!