Spy Family

SPY×FAMILY』is an anime series produced by CloverWorks and directed by Kyohei Ishiguro. The series is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endō. The story follows a professional spy named Loid Forger, who must infiltrate the elite society of a foreign country as part of a mission. To do this, he creates a fictitious family and poses as a married man with a child. The series follows Loid as he navigates his double life as a spy and family man, while trying to hide his true identity from his "family." The series aired in Japan in 2021 and was very well received by audiences and critics. It is available with English subtitles on streaming platforms such as Crunchyroll and Funimation.

Spy Family Characters

Loid Forger -

Is a professional spy who poses as a family man in order to carry out his mission of infiltrating the elite society of a foreign country. Loid is an intelligent and determined character, who will do anything to accomplish his mission. He is also very protective of his "family" and will do anything he can to protect them. However, Loid also has a complex past and a dark side that he tries to hide. Over the course of the series, Loid must learn to manage his double life and face his inner demons while trying to complete his mission.

Yor Briar -

She is a professional assassin who poses as Loid's wife and the mother of their fictional child as part of Loid's undercover mission. Yor is a cold and distant person, who has difficulty showing his emotions. However, as the series progresses, she begins to develop feelings for Loid and their "family" and begins to show a warmer and protective side. Yor is also very skilled and talented in her work as an assassin, and she is willing to do anything to accomplish her mission.Twilight - A child adopted by Loid and Yor, who is unaware of the true identities of her parents.

Anya Forger -

She is Loid's twin sister and a professional spy like him. Anya is a very confident and self-assured person, who is not afraid to take risks. She is also very protective of her brother and will do anything she can to help him. As the series progresses, Anya also develops feelings for Loid and Yor and tries to help them deal with their relationship and complete their mission.

Keith -

He is a government agent who is tasked with overseeing Loid's mission to infiltrate the elite society of a foreign country. Keith is a serious and professional character, who takes his job very seriously. He is also very respectful of Loid and his skills as a spy and tries to help him complete his mission. However, Keith also has secrets from his own past that may complicate his relationship with Loid and his "family."

Chico -

She is a childhood friend of Twilight and a very curious girl who often tries to discover the truth about her family's life. Chico is a very happy and cheerful person, who brings light and cheerfulness into Twilight's life. She is also very loyal and devoted to her friends and will do anything she can to help them. However, due to his curiosity, Chico can sometimes endanger Loid's mission and his family's safety.

Lady Briar -

She is Yor's mother and a professional assassin like her. Lady Briar is a very cold and distant person, who has no time for emotions. She is also very demanding of Yor and encourages him to be the best at his work as an assassin. However, Lady Briar also has a more tender and protective side towards Yor, which she rarely shows. She will do anything to protect her daughter and her family name.

Emilia -

She is a young girl who was adopted by the Forger family and who has psychic powers. Emilia is a very shy and reserved person, who has difficulty opening up to others. She is also very worried and fearful, and has difficulty defending herself. However, as the series progresses, Emilia begins to develop self-confidence and learn to use her powers to protect her family and herself. She also becomes very close to Twilight and tries to show her how to use her powers responsibly.

Lloyd -

He is a childhood friend of Loid and Anya, who is also a professional spy. Lloyd is a very confident and self-assured character who likes to show off and attract attention. He is also very competitive and has difficulty admitting defeats. Lloyd has a strained relationship with Loid and often tries to outdo him in his work as a spy. However, as the series progresses, Lloyd begins to understand the importance of friendship and trust and tries to repair his relationship with Loid and Anya.

Hildegard -

She is a businesswoman and member of elite society that Loid is trying to target in his undercover mission. Hildegard is a very intelligent and determined person, who has managed to climb the ranks of society through her hard work and determination. She is also very protective of her family and will do anything she can to protect them. However, Hildegard also has a dark and ruthless side, and will not hesitate to use any means at her disposal to achieve her goals.