Who will win Satoru Gojo vs. Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen

Who will win Satoru Gojo against Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen? 2023

Last updated September 7, 2023 at 10:35 a.m.

Last updated September 7, 2023 at 10:30 a.m.

This article is updated according to the current manga chapter.

The series has entered the , where we will witness the entry of more magnificent players. Maybe we'll have someone powerful enough to challenge Sukuna or Gojo. Don't worry; we no longer spoil anime fans. In this article, we will discuss the power comparison between and in Jujutsu Kaisen.

Early in the series, there was a minor clash between Ryomen Sukuna (with 1 finger) and Satoru Gojo, where Gojo totally overwhelmed him. After that, Gojo is sure that he can defeat him in the future.

On the other hand, Ryomen Sukuna, known as the King of Curses, noticed that he was the Six Eyes of the famous Gojo family. This is why he challenged Gojo to fight with him once he gained the cursed power of 20 fingers.

The Jujutsu Kaisen manga series revealed the curse power, techniques, and domain expansion of Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna. And based on these factors and fan theories, we will compare Gojo vs Sukuna.

Note: This article is updated based on the current manga chapter.

( Gojo vs. Sukuna) Cursed Power and Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen

Satoru Gojo vs Ryomen Sukuna
Satoru Gojo vs Ryomen Sukuna

Currently, Sukuna has gained the cursed power of 15 fingers. With this, he surpassed all special grade and high rank Jujutsu wizards.

During his fight against Jogo, Sukuna showed how much stronger he is than the other powerful cursed spirits. His techniques were enough to completely destroy Jogo who is well above average for a normal cursed spirit.

He even exorcised an ancient Shikigami, the divergent eight-handled sword Sila Divine General, which had been specially summoned in the ritual to eliminate his opponent. In history, Sukuna is the only one who can achieve such a feat.

All previous users, all of whom belonged to the prestigious , have failed to exorcise Mahoraga. But Sukuna was able to do so after using his Malevolent Shrine and cutting the ancient Shikigami multiple times.

On the other hand, Gojo is the strongest in the world. And although there are three other special quality wizards, namely , , and , Gojo is undoubtedly the strongest. In fact, up until now, it's been heavily implied that he's the strongest character in Jujutsu Kaisen.

He shows his power on various occasions, including confronting Sukuna right after Yuji ingests his finger, casually overpowering Jogo and forcing Jogo and Hanami to flee from him, and killing a character as strong as after awakening his true powers.

But what really shows that he is the most formidable obstacle for the cursed spirits is when all the special quality cursed spirits planned and competed just to seal one person, that is say Satoru Gojo.

They know that even their combined strength cannot defeat Gojo's cursed energy. So they sacrificed themselves just to seal it. It was only through clever planning that they were able to capture Gojo in the Prison Realm.

But even then, the man showed exactly why he is considered the strongest when Six Eyes sprouted from the surface of the Prisoner Realm box, notifying his presence in a way no one has ever achieved.

Satoru Gojo: all abilities

Satoru Gojo
Satoru Gojo

Satoru Gojo is one of the main characters of the series. He is the most powerful Jujutsu sorcerer, holding both an immense amount of cursed energy and powerful techniques like the Reverse Cursed Technique and Black Flash.

Not only that, but he also possesses extraordinary physical prowess. During his fight with Jogo, he displayed his overwhelming raw strength, great speed, reflexes, and durability.

But the truth is that he rarely has to use his physical powers in combat because Cursed Technique is extremely powerful. Being a member of the elite Gojo family, he possesses immense cursed energy.

On top of that, his Limitless gives him the power to use greater cursed techniques with minimal cursed energy, allowing him to use his domain expansion multiple times per day, unlike other wizards who cannot. Activate only once a day. .


Limitless is one of two innate Cursed Techniques that Gojo inherited from his lineage. It is a unique power that allows him to see and manipulate cursed energy on an atomic level. This gives him a multitude of options to use his cursed technique in ways that will be impossible for anyone else.

His Cursed Technique, Limitless, is divided into two categories, namely Convergence and Divergence.

The Cursed Convergence Technique: Blue allows it to attract atoms from the environment like a black hole.

While the Cursed Divergence Technique: Red is the inversion of Blue. This gives him the ability to violently push away anything nearby, like Big Bang.

Combining these two techniques, Satoru Gojo performs the Hollow Purple technique, creating a singularity that effectively obliterates or removes everything in its path.

During Gojo's fight against Sukuna in Shinjuku, Gojo releases Hollow Purple at 120% power after the Cursed Technique is raised by Utahime's own Cursed Technique: Solo Forbidden Area. 120% Hollow Purple is so dangerous that even Sukuna is afraid of it. The technique is powerful enough to destroy almost all of Shinjuku.


Infinity is the neutral state of Limitless and is constantly used. It is sometimes mistakenly believed that Infinity allows him to form a barrier around himself where the opponent's movement becomes slower and slower, making them unable to hit Gojo. This is, however, a misconception.

The true power of Infinity is that it creates an infinite number of spaces or checkpoints between Gojo and the outside world, and it works similarly to the paradox of Achilles and the Turtle, where the External stimuli or attacks cannot physically lead to Gojo.

This makes the man completely untouchable and prevents his enemies from harming him in any way.

Six Eyes

On top of all that, he was the one born with the Six Eyes ability. This is an ability unique to the Gojo family and shrouded in mystery due to its rarity. The full power of the Six Eyes has never been revealed.

The only thing that is known is that it allows Gojo to use a cursed technique with minimal consumption of cursed energy. This means that while Gojo doesn't possess an infinite amount of cursed energy, he can use his techniques more frequently and more effectively than anyone else in the world.

It is thanks to the Six Eyes that Gojo can perform his powerful and superior domain expansion several times per day.

Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void

Gojo has one of the most powerful and well-designed domain extensions in the entire series. Its Boundless Void manifests a confined space in which the prey is trapped and constrained with an immense amount of knowledge and information.

The influx of information renders them incapable of doing anything and makes them catatonic.

Gojo is one of the few people who can use the domain extension several times a day. In fact, he can use it multiple times in a matter of minutes. The only other person known to be able to do this is Sukuna himself.

Not only can Gojo use Unlimited Void multiple times, but he can also control the size and intensity of the domain. Gojo can expand the area inside his barrier or shrink it significantly to strengthen his barrier. In its condensed form, Unlimited Void is so powerful that it can shatter Sukuna's domain.

Black Flash

One of the most powerful techniques for Jujutsu sorcerers is the Black Flash. This is a special technique that requires a very in-depth understanding of cursed energy. This is why not all Jujutsu wizards can use Black Flash. It goes without saying that with his Six Eyes, Gojo knows more about Cursed Energy than most people and is obviously one of those who can use Black Flash.

Black Flash is a technique in which the user applies cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of the physical blow. This causes spatial distortion and allows the cursed energy to flash black. As a result, the power of the blow increases by 2.5 times.

Most Jujutsu Sorcerers cannot use Black Flash multiple times consecutively. Gojo is, of course, an exception and uses Black Flash four times in the span of a few minutes.

Ryomen Sukuna: Abilities

Ryomen Sukuna
Ryomen Sukuna

Ryomen Sukuna is the main antagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen and an extremely powerful special grade cursed spirit. He is described as a demon with 4 arms and 2 heads. But before that, Sukuna was a human Jujutsu wizard turned evil.

If we talk about cursed power, then Sukuna also possessed a large amount of cursed energy.

In terms of strength, Sukuna has the upper hand over Gojo, but in terms of speed and reflexes, I think Gojo can surpass him.

Additionally, both Sukuna and Gojo know the Reverse Cursed technique, which allows them to heal themselves; However, Sukuna has the advantage of Incarnation which allows him to develop body parts, limbs, a mouth, etc.

The series showed Sukuna's limited cursed techniques. At most, he only used his raw strength and speed to toy with his opponent.

One of his main cursed techniques is the slashing technique. This allows him to transform his cursed energy into slashing attacks. His innate cursed technique is divided into two styles, Dismantle and Cleave.

It is essentially a slashing attack that adjusts based on the opponent's cursed energy and stamina. In short, it can cut or slice anything in one go.

Additionally, being the King of Curses, he knows all cursed energies and binding wishes.

He even used an unnamed fire ability against Jogo that even surpassed destructive fire. This reveals that he can do more than just cut or split.

Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine

Sukuna also has a very powerful domain expansion which is also among the most powerful in the series. Her malevolent shrine evokes a Buddhist temple shrouded in skulls and maximizes the power of her cleavage techniques. Anyone within range will be cut insistently with no chance of countering.

The Malevolent Sanctuary is also unique in that it does not have limited space. Instead, it has an open border that anyone can enter and exit.

In return, its attack zone expands to a radius of up to 200 meters. Anyone within this radius is not immune to its divide.

Domain Amplification

Domain amplification is an anti-domain technique, meaning its role is the exact opposite of domain expansion. With this technique, the user creates a barrier that neutralizes any cursed techniques they touch, whether they are innate cursed techniques or even domain extensions.

Sukuna masters this technique perfectly. During Shinjuku's battle against Gojo, he uses Domain Amplification to neutralize Gojo's infinity in order to inflict physical blows on him.

Piercing Blood

Sukuna is somehow able to use others' cursed technique. It is still unclear how he copies this, but during the Battle of Shinjuku he was seen using Piercing Blood, Choso's cursed technique.

Comparison: Satoru Gojo vs. Sukuna

Gojo vs Sukuna
Gojo vs Sukuna

As stated earlier, in terms of strength, Sukuna has the upper hand, but in terms of reflexes and speed, Gojo may have supremacy.

If we compare durability, on the one hand, Satoru Gojo has the Infinity Cursed Technique, which allows him to form an invisible barrier that works on the paradox of Achilles and the turtle.

And on the other side, Sukuna is the master of the reverse curse technique and embodiment, which allows him to instantly regenerate his body parts. So it is not easy to compare the two in terms of durability.

1) In terms of Cursed Techniques

Satoru Gojo possesses the cursed technique of infinity and infinity, which allows him to control the atoms in his environment like a black hole or a Big Bang.

Also, he can combine his technique to form a singularity in order to erase the existence of materials.

But the best part is that he was born with the Six Eyes ability, granting him the power to use his cursed technique infinitely without exhausting himself.

Gojo's cursed technique makes him virtually untouchable and that includes cleaving and taking down Sukuna. No matter what type of attack is used against him, it is very unlikely that they will be able to physically harm him.

On the other hand, Sukuna, the King of Curses, possesses the cursed technique of dismantling and splitting which allows him to cut anything, just with the movements of his fingers.

The best part is that his Cleave technique changes depending on the opponent's cursed energy and tenacity. He also possesses a large but not infinite amount of cursed energy.

In this case, we don't know if Sukuna's cutting technique works in the Infinity Barrier. So in our opinion Satoru Gojo has dominance over Sukuna based on cursed techniques, so he is the winner of this Gojo vs Sukuna round.

2) Based on Domain Expansion

Based on Domain Expansion

The Jujutsu Kaisen manga showed the expansion of Sukuna and Gojo's domains. They can both create a domain multiple times per day.

Satoru Gojo can create a territorial expansion of Unlimited Void. In this endless void, the opponent can seemingly feel and see everything.

On the other hand, Sukuna's domain expansion, Malevolent Shrine, is one of the most unique and powerful. Its territory creates a Buddhist shrine that covers the surrounding area with blood. Its expansion is the only area that does not create a distinct barrier with the outside world. This means that anyone can leave or join Sukuna on its territory.

But instead of a barrier, a binding oath is formed between Sukuna and his opponent, greatly increasing the effective area of ​​guaranteed hit. Within its domain, all matter is divided by Sukuna, and it depends on the target's tenacity and level of cursed energy.

He can build his domain within a maximum radius of 200 meters and manipulate it.

He also exorcised Megumi's divergent eight-handled sword Sila Divine General Mahoraga from his territory by performing infinite slashing attacks on it.

Both Gojo and Sukuna have the two most powerful domain extensions in the series to date. However, the nature of their Domains is very different. When their domains first clash, Sukuna uses his Barrierless Domain to attack Gojo's Boundless Void from the outside.

Although Unlimited Void is extremely powerful on the inside, like any other domain, it is vulnerable from the outside. So, again and again, Malevolent Shrine attacks him from the outside and breaks him.

This happens twice until Gojo condenses his Domain into a small sphere to solidify his Domain's barrier. This time, it's his Unlimited Void that crashes Malevolent Shrine.

During their battle in Shinjuku, they clashed with their domains several times and each of them had their moment to shine and dominate the other. We should actually hand this over to Sukuna, purely because of his masterful implementation and innovative ideas.


In the end, we can deduce that in a Gojo vs. Sukuna (in the body of) fight, Gojo will win the fight. Indeed, even though Sukuna is very strong, his ship has not yet reached full maturity in terms of power. So, unlike how he used Yuji's Ten Shadows Technique, he can't use anything from Yuji.

But more importantly, what reinforces our conclusion about Gojo's victory is the very clear proclamation made in the series itself. If they fight, it will be difficult, but Gojo will emerge victorious in the end of everything.

Here ends our discussion on Gojo vs. Sukuna (in Yuji's body). Come visit us to learn more about battles like this.

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