Who is Lee Joohee in Solo Leveling?

Who is Lee Joohee in Solo Leveling? Power, abilities and future plot

is a webtoon written by Chu-Gong and illustrated by Jang Su-Rak and Gi Si-Ryeong. A world filled with goblins, monsters, dungeons and hunters.

A hunter named Lee Joohee plays a pivotal role in the youth of Sung Jin-Woo, the protagonist of Solo Leveling. Joohee is a Korean B-Rank Hunter who specializes in healing magic and was one of Jinwoo's old friends as an E-Rank Hunter. As a B-Rank, Joohee is a talented healer and could heal Jinwoo repeatedly no problem.

Who is Lee Joohee in Solo Leveling?


Joohee is a pretty young woman with long, bright orange hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. In her first appearance, she wore a simple brown fur coat. She was shown a slim and very attractive body.

Lee Joohee

She has a toned body and sharp eyes and has always paid attention to her health. His character hasn't been explored much and remains one of the most anticipated potentials in the stories.


Jeehoo specializes in the areas of healing, buffing, haste and burning boosters. She can heal other individuals and improve their stats. Jeehoo has healed Sung Jin-Woo countless times early in the story.


When he was just a weak E-Rank Hunter, she frequently accompanied him on raids to make sure he wasn't killed, and she even got angry with him at one point for how often he was injured.

Joohee's skills extended to using buff magic, as evidenced when she granted a haste buff to Jinwoo during his battle against Kang Taeshik. Joohee's powers are primarily focused on support and healing, contributing to the group's overall success in battles.

Demon Slayer Figure Come and see


His personality resonates with his abilities, and it helps others. She has always been a supportive friend to Sung Jin Woo and always stood up for him even in adverse conditions.


She always does her best as a healer and doesn't want anyone to be killed. She is very nice but quite shy around new people and doesn't talk much unless she knows them. Lee Joohee is also a very soft-spoken person, and her voice is quite low, doesn't stand out much in a crowd, and generally fails to get her words across.

-> Arc Dungeon And Prisoners

Joohee continues to raid after the double dungeon incident, but she is very scarred by the trauma she suffered. Joohee and many other hunters who were all present are called for another raid, where she meets Jin-Woo, who is completely changed both physically and mentally because of the system, which allows him to improve his stats and become stronger as a hunter.

Taeshik, a B-rank assassin and inspector, was called in to help clear a C-rank dungeon and was tasked with monitoring a group of prisoners who were allowed to participate in the raid in exchange for a reduction in their sentences.

However, unbeknownst to everyone on the raid team and his superiors at the Association, Taeshik had been paid 3 billion won (approximately $2.6 million) the previous night to kill the prisoners by the father of one of their victims.


After the monsters inside the dungeon were killed, Taeshik got to work and killed two prisoners instantly. Before he could kill the third prisoner, he was interrupted by Kim Sangshik, who had chanced into the room at that very moment.

Since he couldn't let the bystanders live, Taeshik quickly killed Kim and attempted to kill Joohee as well, but was blocked and attacked by Jinwoo in retaliation. Realizing that Jinwoo was hiding his true talent, Taeshik decided to kill him first, but was countered again and again by Jinwoo's arsenal of abilities as the fight dragged on.

Looking to end the battle and do what he was paid to do, Taeshik unleashed his full power and charged at Jinwoo with his stealth skill activated, but Joohee buffed Jin-Woo, which helped him fight more effectively. Taeshik fell prey to Jinwoo's bloodlust, leaving him wide open long enough for Jinwoo to fatally stab him in the chest.


Joohee eventually retired when she was unable to recover from her traumatic experience in the Double Dungeon. This comes from the fact that although she is a B-rank healer, she always chose low-rank dungeons.

After her retirement, Joohee became a civilian, a normal civilian with a normal 9-5 job, which suited her and her personality perfectly.

The trauma she suffered during the Double Dungeon scarred her for life; therefore, this decision was better because if she had continued raiding, Joohee would have risked her life as well as the lives of others around her, since she is a healer, and that would have put everyone's lives at stake. .


Now, Joohee lives away from fighting monsters and hunters, where she does not have to put her life on the line. However, due to an incident surrounding the raid on Jeju Island, Joohee willingly participated alongside of Song Chi-Yul to defend the coast of Busan in case the ants invade the city.

When a large swarm of ants finally arrived, Joohee nervously prepared to fight them, but was surprised when Beru suddenly appeared out of nowhere and effortlessly slaughtered them all.

Ultimately, after the leaders used the Reincarnation Cup one last time at Jinwoo's request, Joohee lost all of her memories of the original timeline. Towards the end of the single-player level, there are no hunters, monsters, or dungeons, and the threat they pose to humanity is also completely non-existent.


Joohee's character in "Solo Leveling" evolves as the story progresses. Initially, she is portrayed as a caring friend, adapting to the challenges and revelations of Sung Jin-Woo's journey. Joohee's personality matures, reflecting her resilience and understanding in the face of the supernatural events surrounding Jin-Woo.

His role becomes important, showcasing the human side in a world filled with danger and magic and contributing to the emotional depth and storytelling of Solo Leveling.

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