Strongest vs. Tag Team: Sukuna vs. Yuji and Higuruma

Strongest vs. Tag Team: Sukuna vs. Yuji and Higuruma

The Jujutsu Kaisen storyline is currently being led by none other than the King of Curses. Since taking over 's body, he has proven himself to be the true owner of the strongest title. Currently, he has to enter a battle against Hiromi Higuruma. Here is our prediction about the Sukuna vs Yuji and Higuruma fight before it starts in the next chapter.

If we want to view the Sukuna vs. Yuji and Higuruma battle objectively and predict a possible outcome, we need to look at their individual strengths and weaknesses. Sukuna is currently the strongest character in the series and no one whose powers come close to him. But anything can happen in a fight, and judging by Gege Akutami's tendency for shocking twists and turns in battles, we can never say for sure.

Here are the powers, abilities and weaknesses of the three parties in this fight: Sukuna, Yuji and Higuruma respectively:

Ryomen Sukuna

Ryomen Sukuna

Ryomen Sukuna is the main antagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen. He was introduced early in the story and played a crucial role throughout the story. Once upon a time, Sukuna eventually became fearsome after mercilessly ingesting human flesh and achieving incredible power.

Due to his unmatched power, he is known as the King of Curses. By curse, Sukuna has four arms and two mouths. For this reason he was also called Two-Faced Specter. In the Heian era, to which he originally belonged, he was the strongest in the world. He regained the same title in the current timeline when he defeated and killed , the strongest in modern times.

After killing Gojo and during his fight against Hajime Kashimo, Sukuna returns to his true form after using Yuji and Megumi Fushiguro respectively as vessels throughout the story.

Powers and Abilities

Sukuna: Powers and Abilities

  • As the strongest character in the series, it goes without saying that Sukuna possesses a large amount of power. He has an immense amount of cursed energy as well as the finesse and skill to use it effectively. The name of his innate technique has never been revealed; It's a kind of powerful slicing technique that can cut through buildings and even the ground itself.
  • Sukuna mainly uses his Cursed Technique through several techniques. His most used technique is the one that cuts everything in its path. Sukuna can control the power of Dismantling, simply using it to slice an opponent and even slice up the ground at his will.
  • Other techniques he uses include Cleave and Spiderweb . Cleave acts like Dismantling but with greater intensity and Spiderweb covers a large area to cut through.
  • Sukuna has also shown the ability to use a very powerful fire-based but unnamed Cursed Technique. He uses it against in the .
  • During his fight against Gojo, Sukuna used Piercing Blood , which is the Passed Down Cursed Technique of the Kamo Clan and is used by both Noritoshi Kamo and Choso .
  • A sorcerer's greatest strength in jujutsu is their Domain . Sukuna's domain, Malevolent Shrine , is one of the most powerful domains in the series, its power comparable only to Gojo's Unlimited Void . Malevolent Shrine is a unique domain that has no barrier, instead its attack range is increased to 200 meters. Sukuna can increase the attack range or intensity of the Cursed Technique inside the Malevolent Shrine if he sacrifices the domain's hit effect.
  • He can also easily heal himself and replenish his cursed energy used with the Reverse Cursed Technique .
  • Sukuna has currently returned to his true form, making each of his attacks that much more powerful. In short, his power increased several times with the return of his true body.


  • Since Sukuna has regained his true body, it is unknown if he can still use the Ten Shadows Technique . Otherwise, he has no known weaknesses against opponents like Yuji and Higuruma.

Yuji Itadori

Yuji Itadori

Yuji Itadori is the protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen. He lived his life as a normal human until his fateful encounter with Megumi which caused him to ingest one of Sukuna's fingers, thus becoming the host of the King of Curses. As a result, he is sentenced to death, the timing of which is only delayed by the condition that he ingest all of Sukuna's fingers and then be promptly executed.

As the story progresses, Yuji eats more of Sukuna's fingers, unaware of Sukuna's plans. He eventually ceases to be Sukuna's host when the curse possesses Megumi's body. It is also revealed that Yuji's superhuman physical prowess comes from being a death painting.

Sometime before his birth, he took over the body of his mother, Kaori, and later gave birth to Yuji. This makes him a brother of Choso and his brothers.

Powers and Abilities

Itadori: Powers and Abilities

  • Yuji's true power lies in his superhuman physical strength. It is not only extremely strong, but also extraordinarily durable and agile. His mastery of martial arts and innate physical powers make him almost impossible to match in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Yuji doesn't have a Cursed Technique yet. His jujutsu sorcery comes from his manipulation of his Cursed Energy. He possesses a large quantity of it and can channel it into his fist to use the Divergent Fist .
  • Yuji is one of the few characters to use the Black Flash and one of the very few to do it four times in a row.


  • Its biggest weakness is the lack of Cursed Technique. This makes him completely vulnerable to domains as he has no way to counter his opponent's Domain Expansion.

Hiromi Higuruma

Hiromi Higuruma

The Culling Game Arc introduced many important characters from the series and Hiromi Higuruma is one of the best among them. He was an ordinary human lawyer who received cursed energy thanks to Kenjaku. Already losing faith in the justice system and humanity in general, Higuruma honed his cursed energy and became a fearsome jujutsu sorcerer in a short time.

By the time Yuji fought him, he had exorcised many spells and killed around twenty curse users who came to fight him. His skills had developed to the point of being a level 1 jujutsu wizard, making him a genius not only by human standards, but also by jujutsu wizard standards.

After his battle against Yuji, Higuruma regained his faith in humanity and helping the weak. He is currently an important ally of the heroes and is about to enter a fight against Sukuna alongside Yuji.

Powers and Abilities

Higuruma: Powers and Abilities

  • Thanks to Kenjaku's plan, Higuruma possesses a large amount of Cursed Energy, although he is not comparable to characters such as Sukuna, Gojo, and even Megumi.
  • He has an unnamed Cursed Technique that allows him to summon a Shikigami called the Judgeman . The Shikigami's role is to participate in Higuruma's Domain Expansion and act as judge of the trial.
  • Higuruma's primary mode of attack is his Domain: Deadly Sentence . The domain instigates a trial between Higuruma and his opponent where he acts as prosecutor, trying to convict his opponent by convincing Judgeman of their crimes. Once the Judgeman decides the opponent is guilty, they are punished by having their Cursed Energy sealed for a period of time, leaving them vulnerable.
  • Despite being a lawyer, Higuruma is very proficient in hand-to-hand combat, even going so far as to put Yuji in the corner. He uses a cursed mallet-shaped tool to aid him in combat.


  • All of Higuruma's power lies in his ability to convince the Judgeman of his opponent's crimes. If he fails to do so, his opponent will go unpunished.
  • His opponent can even request a review of the trial even after being convicted. Yuji saved himself during their fight by doing just that. And it shows how uncomfortable Higuruma's domain can be.
  • It is unknown what happens if Higuruma captures more than one person inside his domain.
  • If Higuruma cannot match his opponent in hand-to-hand combat, he may still lose even after sealing his opponent's Cursed Energy.

Sukuna Vs. Yuji and Higuruma

Sukuna vs. Yuji & Higuruma

Now that we have seen the individual strengths and weaknesses of the three parties engaged in the Sukuna battle against Yuji and Higuruma, we will get into the fighting part. At first glance, it's clear that Yuji and Higuruma don't stand a chance against a force like Sukuna.

Sukuna has more powerful cursed techniques and a domain extension that Yuji and Higuruma are completely vulnerable to. Yuji doesn't have a domain and Higuruma's death penalty doesn't stand a chance against the malevolent shrine. If Sukuna opens his domain, the fight ends immediately.

However, Sukuna is unlikely to do so. He doesn't need to open his domain when Yuji and Higuruma are much weaker than him. Higuruma can't do anything without his domain and Yuji and Black Flash's hand-to-hand combat won't be very effective against Sukuna.

The answer therefore seems quite clear. Sukuna will completely destroy them within seconds of their fight. But if that were to happen, what's the need for a Sukuna vs. Yuji and Higuruma fight anyway? It would have made more sense if we fought Sukuna instead, since they are the strongest on the hero side after Gojo's death.

The fact that there is a Sukuna fight against Yuji and Higuruma is proof enough that a twist is coming that may prove disadvantageous for Sukuna, if only for a little while. The most anticipated and intriguing twist would be the reveal of Yuji's cursed technique. Given Yuji's identity as a Death Painting and Kenjaku's son, he may possess an extraordinarily powerful cursed technique that can counter Sukuna.

So, for now, future events cannot be predicted correctly, even though Sukuna is almost guaranteed to win.


We will conclude this Sukuna vs. Yuji and Higuruma discussion by reiterating our previous point. Sukuna is significantly more powerful than his opponents and is guaranteed to win this fight. But the difficulty of the fight may change depending on certain future twists.

Here ends our discussion. We will know more about the Sukuna vs Yuji and Higuruma fight when Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 239 releases. will bring you the spoilers and raw scans of the upcoming chapter soon, so don't forget to stay tuned with us.

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