Yuta's Domain Expansion Mutual Love Explained

Yuta's Domain Expansion: Authentic Mutual Love Explained

Yuta is the protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and plays a major role in Jujutsu Kaisen, particularly in the Culling Game Arc and the Shinjuku Showdown Arc. He first mentioned his domain when confronting former curse users, and . However, at that moment, they were interrupted before any of them could make full use of their domain.

Yuta's expanding domain finally made an appearance in its own right during the Shinjuku Showdown when he fought against . Now that we've taken a look at his domain, let's discuss all things related to expanding Yuta's domain: Authentic Mutual Love. There are going to be a lot of spoilers ahead, so only continue if you don't mind.

Expansion of Yuta's Domain: Genuine Mutual Love

Yuta’s Domain Expansion: Authentic Mutual Love

Yuta's domain extension, Authentic Mutual Love, is one of the most useful domains in the series and also one of the most unique. The domain takes the form of an enclosed space filled with the ruins of several cross-shaped structures. Huge ropes surround the space, tied together in a special knot that represents love in Japanese culture.

The most notable feature of this area is the unlimited number of katanas spread throughout the space.

Yuta's domain is unique from other domains in that while each domain barrier is imbued with the user's own domain, Yuta has a large number of choices for imbuing any CT he has copied into the domain barrier. This is thanks to its very useful and versatile CT, Copy.

When Yuta used his domain against Sukuna, he imbued the CT, Extinction Technique, into his barrier. This, in turn, gave the CT the safe domain effect.

Yuta is also a skilled enough jujutsu wizard that he is able to focus the hit effect only on Sukuna, making him immune even if he is also inside the barrier. Even Sukuna was surprised by such mastery of a barrier technique.

Each katana present in Yuta's domain expansion carries a CT that he copied and stored, but in random order. He has no idea which CT is inside which katana until he takes the katana in his hands. After using the CT copied inside the katana once, the katana disappears. However, this poses no problem for Yuta since there are an unlimited number of katanas present inside the domain.

The exact number of CTs copied and stored by Yuta is unknown. But for now he has used the following copied TCs in his domain:

Cursed Techniques Used in Yuta's Domain Expansion

1) Thin Icebreaker

Thin Ice Breaker

This is a technique that Yuta copied from former curse user and Culling Game player Takako Uro. Thin Ice Breaker is an expansion technique, derived from Uro's CT, Sky Manipulation. In this technique, the user does not directly hit the target. Instead, they strike the surface of the sky, causing the surface to shatter like ice and generate a powerful aftershock that affects the target with increased force.

This is the first technique Yuta uses against Sukuna in Authentic Mutual Love, causing severe damage to the left side of Sukuna's face.

2) Cursed Speech

Cursed Speech

This is the inherited CT of the Inumaki clan, currently possessed by Tokyo Jujutsu High second year student, . This technique allows the user to imbue their voice with cursed energy and force their target to obey their command. The stronger the order or target, the more cursed energy the user must expend and the greater the consequences on their body.

Cursed Speech is the first technique Yuta ever copied. Initially, he could only infuse CT into an item manifested by Rika, making it a cursed item. But now Yuta can imbue the CT with his own voice and use a command without any cursed items.

Overlord Figure Come and See

3) The cursed technique of Dhruv Lakdawalla

Dhruv Lakdawalla’s Cursed Technique

Dhruv Lakwalla was a former curse user and Culling Game player who Yuta killed. He also copied the curse user's Shikigami-based CT and used it against Sukuna in his domain. In Authentic Mutual Love, Yuta's Shikigami takes the form and creates an unbreakable barrier in the Shikigami's path, causing a powerful side effect that hits the target hard.

4) Precognition


Yuta copied Culling Game participant Charles Bernard's CT at one point. Charles' CT allows him to summon a cursed item that must draw blood from its target to fulfill the "ink" condition. Once the condition is met, he can mark his target with a manga panel and see his future.

Instead of the G Warstaff mentioned by Charles, Yuta uses his katana to fulfill the "ink" condition and use the precognition ability.

5) Jacob's Ladder

Jacob's Ladder

A technique derived from Angel's CT, Jacob's Ladder is seriously mastered. This technique looks and acts more ritualistic than other techniques. Jacob's ladder manifests a pillar of light inside which small winged beings fly. Any cursed object in contact with light will be purged instantly.

Jacob's Ladder works with the same effectiveness on special quality cursed items like the Prison Realm and even Sukuna.

The jujutsu sorcerers came up with a plan to use Jacob's Ladder after weakening the bond between Sukuna's and Sukuna's souls, in an attempt to free Megumi from Sukuna. Yuta's use allows Yuji to contact Megumi.

6) Cleave


The most shocking technique Yuta used in his field originally belonged to none other than Sukuna himself. Yuta revealed that he had eaten the last of Sukuna's fingers, fulfilling his copy's condition, and had copied Sukuna's CT. He used Cleave against Sukuna, shocking the .

That's all we know so far about the expansion of Yuta's domain, Authentic Mutual Love. As such a strong character, his domain was guaranteed to be powerful. Fortunately, it does not disappoint at all and exceeds all expectations. The domain will be more useful in future chapters.

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