Solo Leveling Hunter Rankings

Solo Leveling Hunter Ranking, Explained with Examples, 2024

In the depicted world of Solo Leveling, ranks are a sort of identity for hunters; they vividly represent their combat skills. In other words, the ranks assigned to a hunter are directly proportional to their power level.

These rankings are classified into six different levels around the world. Depending on the skills of the individual, he or she is assigned the status of certain grades. Throughout their journey as , they fight various threats and prove their worth; depending on their tasks they are also promoted. So the ranks introduced in the are the lowest, E, followed by D, C, B, A and S.

Solo Leveling Hunter Ranking Level

Ranking system level (in brief)

Ranking system level Power number (estimated) on a scale of 100 Explanation (with examples)
Tidy 1 to 3 possesses superhuman strength said to be slightly stronger than most ordinary humans. Example: Han Song-Yi
Was drinking 4 to 8 -> can clear rank E dungeons D ranks are generally presented as slightly stronger and more competent than E ranks. Example: Yoo Jinho
Crank 9 to 19 -> can clear D-rank dungeons Described as possessing both defensive capabilities and offensive prowess equal to that of a military tank. Example: Song Chi-Yul, Hwang Dongsuk
Rank B 20 to 40 -> can clear C rank dungeons 1 B rank is equal to 10 C ranks or a military unit. Or they should be very competent. Example: Park Heejin, Lee Joohee
Rank A 41-60 -> can clear rank B dungeons Considered one of the best hunters in the hunting community. Deployed against the strongest monsters like Igris. Example: Woo Jin-Chul
S Rank (In Chapter 63, Go Gon-Hee states that there are 3 S Rank categories: S, SS, and SSS) 61-70 -> can clear rank A dungeons pinnacle of strength, possessing overwhelming combat powers and skills, a vast power gap between an A-rank and an S-rank. Examples: Hwang Dongsoo, Baek Yoonho, Choi Jong-In, Akari Shimizu‎‎
SS Rank 71-90 -> can clear A+ rank dungeons some S ranks fall into this category. They are more powerful than S-ranks and can easily defeat them. Examples: Gun-Hee (presidents), Cha Hae-In, Goto Ruyji, Yuri Orloff
SSS Rank 91-100 -> can complete A++ rank dungeons (Ant Queen dungeon) Stronger than SS ranks and can be equal nationally, but is not part of the Kamish raid. Example: Sung Il-Hwan
National level 100+ can complete S rank dungeons The strongest rival a nation's army in strength, survivors of the Kamish Raid. Examples: Thomas André, Liu Zhigang, Reed

Note: We didn't mention Sung Jin-Woo because he is a monarch still much stronger than the national level hunters.

7) Rank E Hunters

E ranks are the weakest in the hunting community in terms of strength and combat skills. They are often given less dangerous missions than higher-ranked hunters.

E-rank hunters are generally those at the beginning of their hunter journey. As a result, they lack exceptional experience and skills.


-> Han Song-Yi:


Han Song-Yi is one of the E-rank hunters, possessing less influence in the hunting community. Despite being an E-Rank Hunter, Song-Yi is also close friends with Jinnah. Initially, she was portrayed as an ignorant young woman, aided by rude behavior.

As an E-rank Hunter, her powers and combat skills are almost comparable to an average human. However, she was given the mission to explore the Red Gate dungeon with individuals stronger than her. Another example was Hunter Sung Jin-Woo in the beginning.

6) Rank D Hunters

Hunters belonging to the D rank are usually presented as slightly more skilled than the E ranks. However, they are not very powerful, which is why they are also assigned to missions that are not considered life-threatening.

Hunters of this status are usually given low-risk tasks, including patrolling, dealing with minor threats from monsters, or assisting other hunters.


-> Gi-Soul Park:


Park Gi-Sool can be considered a minor character introduced at the very beginning of the series. Although much about him and his skills have not been disclosed, it has notably been stated that he is a husband and father of two children. Unfortunately, he is killed during the Double Dungeon Incident.

-> Yoo Jinho:

Yoo Jinho

Aside from being a D-Rank Hunter, Yoo Jinho is also known as the Vice Master of the Ahjin Guild. Despite this, he is classified as weak among hunters. As an ally of Jin-Woo, he is described as loyal and considers him his older brother.

-> Kim Sangshik:


Kim Sangshik was one of the members who entered the double dungeon and survived. Although we haven't had the opportunity to see his abilities, it wouldn't be unfair to consider him strong. Being a D-rank hunter, he must be stronger than E-rank hunters.

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5) C-Rank Hunters

Rank C is a level above lower ranks, capable of handling larger threats. They are also assigned tasks, such as facing powerful monsters or exploring more difficult dungeons.

These hunters possess more strength and combat skills than the weaker ones. These hunters are considerably comparable to an intermediate level in the hierarchy of the hunter world.


-> Lee Chul-Jin:

Lee Chul-Jin

Lee Chul-Jin is a C-rank Hunter and one of the members of Hwang Dongsuk's Attack Squad. He was first introduced during Jin-Woo's exploration of the Rank C dungeon. Lee attempts to massacre Jin-Woo in revenge for the murder of one of his comrades, but fails.

-> Chi-Yul song:


Song Chi-Yul was first introduced during the Double Dungeon arc. Notably, he is also one of the members who survived this traumatic exploration. Although he lost one of his arms during the attack on the God Statue, he could perform things normally.

-> Hwang Dongsuk:


Hwang Dongsuk is a C-rank hunter, possessing remarkable strength and excellence in swordsmanship. However, he tries to kill Jin-Woo and his sister to make easy money. In retaliation, Jin-Woo decapitated him, killing him in an instant.

4) Rank B Hunters

B-Rank Hunters are a significant step up from C-Rank, showcasing even more impactful skills, powers, and experiences. They have developed the ability to strategize in the midst of battle, and this is a next level and absolute improvement in a hunter that is clearly displayed. They often explore complex dungeons and face powerful monsters.


-> Kang Taeshik:


Kang Taeshik is described as a B-rank assassin-type hunter, an employee of the Korean Hunters Association. Despite this, he is presented as an arrogant, psychopathic killer who doesn't care to show any remorse after killing someone. However, aside from his selfish behavior, he can be considered a loyal fighter.

-> Heejin Park:

Park Heejin is a B-rank hunter who is also a member of the White Tiger Guild. Although she is a B-rank hunter, she was also one of the survivors of the Red Gate Incident.

She also proves her worth as a B-Rank Hunter by demonstrating her detection abilities and detecting Jin-Woo's abilities during their first encounter.

-> Lee Joohee:


We see Lee Joohee as a B-rank healer at the start of the series. She is best known for her healing abilities. She also knows Jin-Woo from his days as an E-Ranker. She is also capable of using buff magic.

3) Rank A Hunters

A-Rank Hunters are considered some of the premier hunters in the hunting community. In addition to their highly respected name, they are entrusted with dangerous missions that require high strategic intelligence and exceptional combat capabilities.

They are not only part of the top tier, but are also considered elite forces, deployed to mitigate the threat posed by high-powered monsters.


-> Jung Yerim:

Jung Yerim

Jung Yerim appears to be an important person in the Knights' Guild, being an A-rank healer. Although she is an A-rank healer, she does not seem consumed by her status; instead, she tends to recognize others. She is shown by her action, shocked by how Beru's healing abilities are superior to her own.

-> Woo Jin-Chul:


Woo Jin-Chul is an A-rank hunter and president of the Korean Hunters Association. Before the death of Go Gunhee, the former president, he was an inspector. He was first introduced as an inspector, inspecting Jin-Woo's mana production, suspecting him of undergoing an awakening.

-> Hanekawa:


Hanekawa is a Japanese A-rank hunter working for Goto Ryuji's guild. Despite this, she is also known as a translator with the Japanese Hunter Association. Although she is a high-ranking hunter, she lacks combat skills. This lack of skills causes her to rely on her speed to defeat her opponents.

2) S-Rank Hunters

S-Rank Hunters are considered the pinnacle of strength, possessing overwhelming powers and combat skills. They are the elite force of the community, capable of facing fearsome monsters, confronting extremely powerful enemies, and taking on challenges that could destroy the entire world.

These individuals are those that the rest of the hunting community looks up to, often seen as the ultimate savior of humanity. In this section, we have included the three S rank categories: S, SS and SSS.


-> Go to Ryuji:


Goto Ryuji is a Japanese S-rank hunter who is also known as the strongest in Japan. He is also the guild master of the Draw Sword Guild. Due to his status, he was internally consumed by his overconfidence, although he usually hid it on the surface.

-> Hwang Dongsoo:


Hwang Donsoo was introduced as a Korean-American S-rank fighter with immense powers. He is also the younger brother of Hwang Dongsuk. Hwang is known for his exceptional strength and durability. He demonstrates both during his fight with Jin-Ho and Jin-Woo.

1) Hunters at national level

Hunters at the national level are individuals expected to rival a country's military in terms of strength. These powerful hunters are considered the most powerful on the list.

However, they also spend their lives as kings in their home country. They are considered to have a great influence on the hunting community and society.


-> Thomas André:


Thomas André is one of five national level hunters, ranked first in the world. Besides his enormous physical build, he also possesses immense strength and speed. Being a ruler's ship, it easily outperforms all other national level fighters.

-> Liu Zhigang:

Liu Zhigang

Liu Zhigang is the most powerful hunter in China. Liu is also one of five national-level hunters, ranking second in the world. Besides his immense strength and speed, he is also seen wielding a burst of energy and the authority of a ruler.

-> Christophe Reed:

Christopher Reed

Christopher Reed ranks third in the world as strongest hunter; he is also one of five hunters nationally. Reed is primarily seen using abilities such as telekinesis, ruler authority, and spirit body manifestation.

Strongest Hunter/Monarch:

-> Sung Jin-Woo:

Sung Jinwoo

Sung Jin-Woo was initially portrayed as a weak E-rank hunter; he was considered so weak that he earned the nickname of the weakest hunter in the community. However, after awakening, he underwent drastic changes and eventually established himself as an S-rank hunter.


In conclusion, the ranks of each hunter display their abilities and their place in the world of this hunting community. However, exceptions are also apparent, making Jin-Woo a peculiar and interesting character. However, the article aims to know the ranks of hunters as well as examples to have an adaptive notion of the hierarchy.

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