Attack on Titan Map | Complete geography explained

Attack on Titan Map | Complete geography explained
The world of Attack on Titan is dark. For a long time, the story seemed like a dystopian world where civilization was confined within walls to save themselves from the man-eating titans. But in a shocking twist, it has been revealed that their world is much bigger than previously thought. We will explore this today and discuss the Attack on Titan map and full geography in this article.
In this article we will talk about many places that start quite late in the story. So for anyone just starting the series, we're issuing a spoiler alert before we go any further.
Attack on Titan Map and Full Geography
The entirety of Attack on Titan is actually tied to two nations. However, the expert narration makes sure to delve deeper into each location and give us a picture of the geography and lifestyle of many parts of these countries.
Every location explored in the story has a meaning, and understanding them is crucial to understanding many of the characters and their motivations.
The two nations that Attack on Titan focuses on are Paradis Island and Marley. Based on their structures and location in world geography, it is assumed that the two nations are based in Madagascar and Africa respectively.
Aside from these two, there are also many countries in the world of Attack on Titan, but they aren't really explored and are only brought up a few times. One of them is Hizuru, whose mother's side of the family originally belonged to.
Now that we know which locations we'll be focusing on in this discussion of the Attack on Titan map, let's delve into them in-depth, starting with the most crucial location of all: Paradise Island.
Paradise Island
For a very long time in the story, the main characters and the audience believed that Paradise Island was what was left of the world and human civilization. Surrounded by huge walls, no one has ever seen the outside world. There are vast grasslands and forests just outside the walls, but with titans roaming freely there in abundance, it was impossible for humans to explore further.
However, everything changed after the secret of the basement of Shiganshina's house was revealed. The main characters learn that there is more to the world than they thought. Through Eren's memories through the Attack Titan , Paradis Island's position in world geography was revealed.
Paradis Island is a large island, separated from the mainland and Marley by a stretch of sea. Formerly, the island was completely uninhabited, its first inhabitants being King Karl Fritz and the Eldians who were sent to the island in as punishment for all the destruction they caused to the world with their titan-shifting powers.
King Fritz used the powers of the Titans to build three concentric walls to confine the Eldians within, both for their safety and to separate them from the world so that they could no longer wreak havoc on the world with the powers of the Titans. He also used the power of the Founding Titan to erase the memory of the outside world from his subjects' minds.
But Marley kept his resentment towards the Eldians and turned the remaining Eldians into Titans and sent them to Paradise Island, which is why there were so many Titans outside the outermost wall.
The three walls of the Paradis Islands constitute the basis of their geography. These walls are respectively named after Ymir Fritz's three daughters, Maria, Rose and Sina. The walls play a crucial role in the story. The three walls, from outermost to innermost, are as follows:
Wall Maria
The outermost wall of Paradise Island is Wall Maria. Like the other walls, Wall Maria is also made of titans, thanks to their hardening property. Since it is the outermost wall, the titans always dwell just outside, waiting for humans to devour them.
But when the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan break the wall in 845, all hell breaks loose as the many Titans outside invade the wall.
This incident is one of the most pivotal points in the series as it is when Eren witnesses his mother being eaten by the Smiling Titan, and his hatred for Titans reaches its peak.
Since Wall Maria is destroyed early in the story, few of its districts are explored. The only district we see in the story is Shiganshina district where Eren's story begins.
Shiganshina District: Shiganshina is a small district located in the southernmost part of Wall Maria and the home of Eren, Mikasa and Armin.
Finding itself on the edge of the Wall, Shiganshina suffered the first and biggest blow when Wall Maria shattered, causing it to be abandoned and filled with titans for years, with most of its inhabitants having either fled to Wall Rose or died .
When Eren and the Survey Corps arrive in Shiganshina five years later to go to Eren's basement, the Titans are ultimately all killed within the walls. A year later, Eren uses his titan hardening to seal the hole in Wall Maria, leaving the abandoned neighborhood habitable again.
Wall Rose
The middle wall is the Pink Wall. After the collapse of Wall Maria, the survivors took refuge in Wall Rose, making the population too poor in food and living conditions. In 850, Marley's infiltrated warriors broke through the Rose Wall and provoked the bloody Battle of Trost. It was during this attack that Eren discovered his titan powers.
Like the other two walls, it is also made of Colossal Titans and is approximately 50 feet tall. Wall Rose plays an important role several times in the story, the most important being the location where Reinar and Bertolt's true identities are finally revealed. Like Wall Maria, Eren also uses his hardening power to seal the breach in the Pink Wall.
- Karanes District: Karanes District is the easternmost district of Wall Rose. He doesn't get much screen time; only appearing when the Survey Corps returns to Karanes after their trip to Shiganshina is interrupted by the Female Titan's attack.
- Krolva District: This district is located on the west side of Wall Rose.
- Trost District: Since Trost is the southernmost district of Wall Rose, it experiences frequent titan attacks. It is also the place where students of the 104th Training Corps fought on their first mission during the Battle of Trost. But the most crucial incident that happens in Trost is Eren's discovery of his hidden power as a titan. The wall surrounding Trost is breached by the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan, letting in several Titans who turn the city into a living hell. The breach is then sealed by Eren using his solidifying properties as a titan with the help of Hange and the Survey Corps.
- Utopia District: Utopia is the northernmost district inside Wall Rose.
Wall Sina
The innermost wall is the Sina Wall which surrounds the most prosperous districts of Paradise Island and its capital. Being the innermost wall, the Sina Wall is the most protected of the three walls, and only the wealthy and privileged can live within its perimeter.
And the military force stationed there is made up of the most inexperienced soldiers in terms of fighting against the titans, although only the best from the Training Corps have the opportunity to join the Wall Sina garrison.
Although everything seems rich and expensive at first glance inside the Sina Wall, darkness lurks beneath in the form of an underground city. This is unique to the Sina Wall and is not found inside the other two walls.
- Ehrmich District: As the southernmost district inside Wall Sina, Ehrmich becomes the new home for refugees who survive the Wall Rose breach and the Titan invasion.
- Orvud District: This is the northern district of Wall Sina and where Rod Reiss is heading after transforming into the Abnormal Titan.
- Stohess District: Stohess is the western district inside Wall Sina and the location where the Female Titan fights Attack Titan, resulting in heavy damage to the district. This is also where Levy and his squad first confront Kenny and his team. Long ago, there were plans to build an underground city under Stohess and the other Wall Sina districts. But the plan was later changed, leaving the districts with many underground tunnels that have not been used for years.
- Yarckel District: The western district inside Wall Sina.
- Mitras: Mitras is the capital of the island of Paradis, and later of Eldia, and the residence of the royal family. It is located in the center of the walls, the safest place on the island. The current queen of Eldia, Historia Reiss, resides in Mitras.
- Underground City: There is an entire underground city on the outskirts of Wall Sina. City residents are not supposed to go out and are arrested if caught. Levi himself belongs to the underground city, but he was recruited because of his deadly skills.
The world beyond the sea
The antagonist of Attack on Titan is the nation of Marley, located just across the sea from Paradis Island. The empire is part of the continent and extends over a large area, as well as many overseas territories. The vastness of its area provides a wide variety of geographical areas in the country and has many ethnic groups living there.
Once upon a time, Marley was conquered and oppressed by the Eldian Empire, thanks to its titans. But during the Great Titan War, Marley managed to defeat the Eldians, after which Karl Fritz left for Paradis Island with his fellow Eldians as punishment, leaving only a handful behind.
The remaining Eldians remained in Marley and suffered racism and discrimination for years from the Marleyans. After a while, they were used to experiment with Titan Shifting, which eventually led to the formation of the Warrior Unit.
Marley is a technologically advanced empire with powerful military forces. It is an aggressive nation that advances by force thanks to its military might and the Titans. Marley holds seven of the Nine Titans and uses them to attack or infiltrate his enemies, the most prominent being Bertolt, Annie and Marcel infiltrating Paradis Island.
- Liberio: The town of Liberio in Marley plays the most important role in the story. It is a city of considerable size that contains an internment zone that is home to the Eldians of Marley. Many Warriors, including Reinar, Bertolt, Annie and Zeke, come from this city. It was also the home of Grisha and his family before he was transformed into a titan. Liberio is also where Eren strikes after infiltrating Marley, and the city suffers severe damage during the Battle of the Titans. The city is ultimately destroyed when Eren unleashes the Shatter in the year 854.
- Lakua: Lakua is a town located in the western part of Marley.
During the Survey Corps' mission against Marley, one nation that provides considerable assistance is Hizuru. It's a small country in the Orient and it turns out it has a deep connection to Mikasa. In ancient times, Hizuru was an ally of Eldia and fought with them. However, with Eldia's defeat in the Great Titan War, her reputation was forever tarnished in the eyes of the world.
The son of the shogun family was a friend of Karl Fritz and came to live with him on Paradise Island. Her lineage eventually progressed within the walls and gave birth to her and Mikasa's mother, Mikasa.
Hizuru clearly draws inspiration from East Asian countries, particularly Japan. The character designs and customs are very similar to Japan. Its political situation also resembles that of Japan, as Hizuru and Japan are remembered for their alliances with Eldia and Germany respectively.
Mid East
On the continental continent, the Middle East is a region made up of several countries, although their number is unknown. The Middle Eastern countries share antagonistic relations with Marley and form an alliance force to go to war against Marley after the empire fails to reclaim Paradis Island.
The Middle East in Attack on Titan is shaped like the Middle Eastern region of Asia as there are several similarities between the two, including geography, customs, and clothing. Although these countries have never been explored much in history, they have been described as being located on the peninsula.
The Middle East Alliance has quite powerful military forces, both land and naval. Their weapons are powerful, high-tech and deadly, but ultimately cannot defeat the powers of the , and lose the war against Marley.
Here ends our discussion of the full geography and map of Attack on Titan. One of the popular manga series' strong points is its brilliant and intricate worldbuilding which helps make the story more grounded and visceral. This discussion also reminds us how 80% of it is completely destroyed by the Rumbling initiated by Eren.
The long-awaited final installment of the Attack on Titan anime will be released soon. Follow Otakus Notes to stay up to date with all the news on this topic.
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