Beast Gohan vs Jiren: who is more powerful in Dragon Ball?

Beast Gohan vs Jiren: who is more powerful in Dragon Ball?
Are you also a big fan of Dragon Ball and always curious to know who will win this amazing fight like Beast Gohan vs MUI Goku, or Whis vs Beerus? Then you are in the right place.
Today we are going to discuss one of the most anticipated battles, Beast Gohan vs Jiren, which many Dragon Ball fans are curious to know about. We all know how tough Jiren is in the entire Dragon Ball franchise.
However, after obtaining the Beast transformation, Gohan also became one of Jiren's most worthy opponents. So let's jump straight to this post and find out who is the most powerful.
Beast Gohan: Power Level and Abilities
Beast Gohan is the latest transformation in the Dragon Ball franchise that Gohan unlocked in the new Dragon Ball movie titled . This transformation is very similar to Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 transformation, which he unlocked to defeat Cell in .
Upon attaining Beast Form, Gohan gained notable changes that he never had in any of his past transformations, such as red eyes, spiky white hair, and a purple aura.
As an evolved version of Potential Unleashed, Beast Gohan is far more powerful than his previous Potential Unleashed form. Additionally, the Special Beam Cannon is Beast Gohan's main move which he used to defeat Cell Max.
Jiren: Power Level and Abilities
Until the end of the Dragon Ball Super anime, Jiren is undoubtedly considered the main character of the series. In a tournament of power, neither Golden Frieza nor Golden Frieza has a chance to withstand Jiren's full might.
On the other hand, Jiren dominates his universe's God of Destruction, which is a very surprising fact about him. Indeed, in the entire Dragon Ball universe, only a few mortals are capable of surpassing the level of , and Jiren is one of them.
When talking about absolute warriors, Jiren has it all, whether it's enormous speed, endless ki delivery, a destructive explosive attack, or enormous strength. He also had a wide array of super moves, such as Magnetron, Infinity Rush, Shock Tornado, Mighty Explosive Wave, Burning Strike, etc.
Beast Gohan vs. Jiren

1. Strength-based
In terms of physical strength, Beast Gohan will surely win the fight against Jiren. You can see how Beast Gohan doesn't move an inch after taking a direct hit from Cell Max, who is much taller and wider than Gohan.
In contrast, Jiren has been knocked back several times by several warriors who are not as strong as Cell Max, such as Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue Evolved and Goku's Super Saiyan Blue. So, Beast Gohan easily won this round of strength.
2. Based on speed
In the fight against Cell Max, Beast Gohan does not display his top speed correctly. Gohan mainly takes direct hits from Cell Max, so it is not possible to calculate Beast Gohan's actual speed.
On the other hand, Jiren not only dodges Goku's Ultra Instinct attack but also manages to launch his own. So, Jiren wins this round of Beast Gohan against Jiren in a hurry.
3. Based on reflexes
Gohan already shows his quick reflexes in many fights in the series. After reaching Beast Gohan, his reflexes went to a higher level, quite close to Vegeta Ultra Ego.
So if we compare Jiren's reflexes during the Tournament of Power, then Beast Gohan surely surpasses him. This round is therefore won by Beast Gohan.
4. Based on abilities
Well, this round is pretty tight; Both Jiren and Gohan have a wide range of abilities, but Gohan won this round as well. But to be honest, Jiren has a greater number of powerful abilities than Gohan. However, this cycle is not about quantity; it's a question of quality.
You don't need to have multiple powerful moves to get stronger when you have one that is much stronger than your opponent's multiple moves. In a recent movie, Beast Gohan proves this by showing off the enormous power of his Special Beam Cannon.
5. Based on sustainability
This round requires no discussion, as Beast Gohan is much more durable than Jiren and is the winner of this round. As we all saw with Jiren during the Tournament of Power, several warriors pushed him back multiple times.
On the other hand, Beast Gohan is unable to move even a little, even if his opponents are much taller and broader than him, such as Cell Max. Additionally, this transformation increases Gohan's stamina level and strength infinitely.
6. Energy-based
Even though Beast Gohan beats Jiren in stamina and strength, energy is the one thing he can't compete with. You yourself notice what happens to the arena where Goku Master Ultra Instinct and Jiren Super Full Power fought.
Although the arena was specially created by the High Priest for the deadliest fights, it is always destroyed by them. But what about Earth, where Beast Gohan fought? Only a small part of the area was destroyed, but it was not destroyed like the tournament arena.
Additionally, Jiren had a very long fight compared to Beast Gohan's fight, which perfectly concluded that Jiren is the winner of this round.
Who is powerful?
Beast Gohan is significantly more powerful than Jiren, as he won 4 rounds, while Jiren only won 2 rounds. He possesses incredible stamina, strength, abilities, and reflexes that surpass Jiren's. However, here we are only talking about Jiren's combat level at the time of the Tournament of Power.
If Jiren ever makes a return to the series, then he will definitely surpass all Saiyans, whether it's Beast Gohan or the legendary Super Saiyan Broly. But that hasn't happened yet, so as the series stands now, Beast Gohan won this battle against Jiren.
Here we conclude our article on “Beast Gohan vs Jiren”. We hope you like this article and can learn more about the power levels and abilities of Beast Gohan and Jiren. We will be back soon by then, stay tuned and read it.
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