15 Most Handsome Sakamoto Male Characters

15 Most Handsome Male Characters of Sakamoto Days

an anime series written and designed by Yuto Suzuki, began airing in November 2020. The narrative of this manga revolves around a character named Taro Sakamoto. He is depicted as a legendary former assassin, living the life of an ordinary person following his beloved lover, Aoi.

Although Taro successfully leads a peaceful life with his wife, his former enemies constantly attack him and his family, forcing him to show his exceptional character again.

Here are fifteen characters from “Sakamoto Days” who have won the hearts of readers with their captivating exquisite aesthetics or charming personalities. The growing popularity of these characters is a testament to Suzuki's pen and ability to shape a character.


15) Nagumo


Nagumo is depicted as an old friend of the main protagonist of this series and a member of "The Order", an organization within the "Japanese Assassins Association" (JAA).

Due to his remarkable combat skills, he is considered one of the most vital members of this organization. Readers first witness Nagumo when he visits Taro to inform him of the bounty placed on him. Nagumo is designed with a carefree and laid-back attitude, aided by a big, unchanging smile on his face.

14) Kei Uzuki


Kei Uzuki is shown as the main antagonist of Sakamoto Days for this course due to his actions. He is a ruthless killing machine attempting to overthrow the JAA, which is reflected in the massacres he committed around the same time Taro's bounty was revealed.

He is also called an "insult" or sometimes an "X" because he leaves a giant "X" symbol at the scene of the crime, tricking others into recognizing him. Initially, he was portrayed as a cold-blooded serial killer who killed a quarter of the assassins in Japan without any remorse.

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13) Apart


Apart is considered one of the main antagonists of "Death Row Prisoners Arc" due to his past actions as a serial killer. Apart's character's portrayal is quite tricky as he insists on connecting with strong people, reflecting the lack of attention and care he received as a child – essentially, the loneliness of childhood and parental abandonment.

This becomes more distinct when he calls Sakamoto weird for treating him like a regular person since he has never interacted with anyone with a kind demeanor.

12) Shin Asakura


Shin Asakura, an old friend and former student of Taro Sakamoto, was tasked with executing Taro. His attempt to kill Taro Sakamoto failed, and for this reason he was sentenced to death. To his surprise, his old friend saves his life, removing all obstacles, and even offers him a daily life with him and his family.

After this incident, Shin quit his job as an assassin and became an employee at Sakamoto's store. Shin's personality is preserved, honest, transparent, calm and collected when fighting.

11) Kanaguri


In this series, Kanaguri is depicted as an undercover member of Kei Uzuki's organization and a member of the Order. Aside from being an assassin, he is also known for his immense love for his cinematic hobby.

Outside the states, the time he is not filming or capturing footage is not worth living, which shows his fondness for cinema. Kanaguri's emotions are presented as turbulent, encouraging his rage and causing depression when his camera breaks.

10) Gaku


Gaku is one of the extremely powerful assassins featured in the manga series. He is a member of Kei Uzuki's group, helping him overthrow the JAA. Gaku is portrayed as a laid-back and easy-going person.

Nonetheless, he can turn into a cold and ruthless murderer, as illustrated by occasionally killing members of the JAA without any regret or guilt. Gaku is so calm and collected that he starts eating snacks in the middle of a fight and usually plays video games during important meetings.

09) Takebe


Although little has been disclosed about Takebe's character, he is known for his service to the JCC as an assassin. Takebe is a person who frequently consumes alcohol and tends to be somewhat lazy, but he is a top-notch leader.

Although Takebe's combat abilities are not disclosed, it is evident that he is among the strongest assassins. Subsequently, in this series' narrative, he attempts to eradicate Gaku, but he fails, thus causing his disappearance.

08) Heisuke Mashimo


Heisuke Mashimo is depicted as a low-ranking supporting character in the assassin world, but he gains a unique sniper ability. Due to his lack of talent, he has to go through many pitfalls, remain unemployed for a long time and live on top of a building in his broken tent.

Despite his difficulties, Heisuke leads a joyful life with his pet bird, Piisuke. His character is defined as an emotionally positive and friendly man with a simple outlook who maintains an optimistic attitude.

07) Shishiba


Shishiba, an old acquaintance of Taro Sakamoto, is a member of the Order organization. Shishiba is portrayed as a reserved and aloof person who shows no consideration towards anyone unless it is related to him or his apprentice, Osaragi.

Shishiba firmly believes in the central philosophy of his life, simplicity. Even Shishiba's weapon armory includes hammers, as they are simple to use and do not require sophisticated maintenance like firearms. Despite his notorious job as an executioner, he cares a little about killing people.

06) Satoru Yotsumura


Satoru Yotsumura is a banished member of the JAA, working against them to avenge his humiliation. He was also a founding member of the Order organization and a retired honorary professor of Japan Clear Creation (JCC).

Yotsumura shares a calm and balanced aura amidst the fights he engages in. Despite Yotsumura's exceptional combat skills as an assassin, he appears to be a caring father, willing to kill his wife to save him.

05) Kindaka


Alongside Yotsumura, Kindaka was also a founding member of the Order. In the past, he was a close acquaintance of Sakamoto, Nagumo, Rion and Uzuki. Kindaka's personality is shown as one of the friendly characters from the Sakamoto days, mixed with a relaxed and calm personality.

This character trait of Kindaka is distinguished by how he behaves during a battle; for example, Sakamoto and the others hurt him badly, but he doesn't let his rage enter his mind and then makes them an offer.

04) Amane Yotsumura

Amane Yotsumura

Amane Yotsumura, second year Assassin Major in the TCG, is the son of Yotsumura, a former member of the Order. Throughout the manga, Amane harbors a deep hatred towards the JAA as well as towards her father, the murderer of her mother.

Due to his immense hatred for the JAA, he also becomes a disciple of Kei Uzuki and helps him bring down the JAA. Amane is portrayed as a vigilante who wishes to settle scores by killing his father.

03) Saw


Saw was a death row inmate who faked his death, later escaping to Japan. With the help of his fellow assassins, under Kashima's command, Saw was able to eliminate a myriad of JAA members.

He has a relaxed, unhurried attitude which is reflected in his actions, generally an easy-going tendency. Aside from his apathetic behavior, he can be defined as a person who likes to conduct extensive research on the proposed target before proceeding with his massacre.

02) Mafuyu Seba


The character of Mafuyu Seba is depicted as a candidate who takes the TCG exams to become a successful assassin. Mafuyu is a young man with a unique fear: the fear of getting dirty.

He doesn't even make an effort to use his hands in a fight to keep them clean. However, to solve this problem, he chooses to use hidden blades inside his shoes. As he is only 14 years old, a tendency to learn things from his elders shows in his behavior.

01) Tarō Sakamoto


Taro Sakamoto, the prominent protagonist of the manga series, leads a delightful life with his son, Aoi, after quitting his job as a hitman. Sakamoto, who at his peak was the world's best assassin, runs a convenience store with his family and now lives a peaceful life.

His harmony was interrupted by a bounty placed on his head, alongside those of Shin and Lu. Initially, Sakamoto's emotions are repressed, but as the narrative progresses, an evolution of affection is seen in his character. Although Sakamoto is calm and good-natured, he quickly becomes angry when his family is threatened.


So, “Sakamoto Days” is just a reflection of violent enthusiasts, but the characters are presented with a compelling story and an eye-catching face.

Above are the fifteen characters from Sakamoto Days who gained instant popularity among its fans due to their exceptional appearance and fighting abilities.

Yuto Suzuki designed each of these characters in painstaking detail, offering readers to witness the realm of assassins from different peripheries.

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