10 Best Lessons Learned From Berserk

10 Best Lessons Learned From Berserk

There are lessons we can learn from everything; and these are such things. Although it is fiction, we can learn many ideologies, methods, tips and tricks from it.

is one of the most well-known names in the anime and manga communities. The series is very gory and graphic, and it is one of the most popular manga in the world.

History is full of important lessons that we can learn from it, implement in our daily lives and become better human beings than yesterday. In this article, we will look at the top 10 lessons we can learn from Berserk and discuss them in detail.

10 Best Berserk Lessons

1) Trust can easily be lost


One of the most heartbreaking lessons we can learn from Berserk is that no matter how deep your relationship is, it can still be easily betrayed. Nothing is permanent in life; you need to be prepared if something like this happens.

Guts fell victim to the betrayal of Griffith, who sacrificed his comrades to achieve his goal and even went on to kill Casca before Guts' own eyes.

2) Never rely on fate

Berserk Manga

Even if your life was sealed and written before you were born, you must continue to work hard and reduce the role of fate in your desire for success.

One of the most fundamental aspects of successful people is that they all work hard and do their best to achieve their dreams without relying on fate or any outside help.

Tokyo Revenger Figure Come and see

3) Despite your best efforts, success is not assured


Success is not something set in stone for you or anyone; you can work extremely hard and be diligent to achieve your goal and still fail, which is just one aspect of life.

This is seen in the manga, even though several members of the Band of the Falcon work extremely hard and diligently but still die in battle, even though they are better individually.

4) Patience


Patience is a fundamental aspect that we all tend to ignore in our everyday lives. Trying to achieve something big will inevitably take time, and you need to be patient and not get upset if you don't succeed quickly.

Guts had shown immense patience throughout the series; the strong man he is today is due to his ability to wait. When he was a child, he wanted to join the battles, but he knew he was going to get killed, so he waited and worked hard until he was finally confident.

5) There will always be loneliness


The journey to the top will always be lonely; your current friends may not be there with you, but you have to accept it and move forward in life. In the end, it will be worth the sacrifice you made to get here.

Gut's journey is one of the saddest and loneliest. He was always alone until he met the Band of Hawks, and even after that he is alone, but that doesn't stop him from pursuing his dream.

6) There will always be violence in the world


Violence is intrigued by human nature and cannot be avoided at all; it is something that has existed for millions of centuries and will continue to exist even after we die. Violence may not solve most problems, but you have to be prepared to use it when necessary.

The world of Berserk is built on violence, and this is the central aspect of the world; the strong kill the weak and use them as their subordinates. To survive in the Berserk world, you must be able to use violence; if you can't, you will simply be killed.

7) You must keep moving forward


No matter where you are, the only possible path is forward and nothing else; it's the best way to overcome adversity. If you keep moving forward, one day you will arrive at the destination you always wanted to reach.

Guts embodies this ideology, as his life has been nothing but hell since he was born, but he continued to live it no matter how much shit it was. Although he was not guaranteed to see tomorrow as he was always close to the battles, he continued to do so and eventually met Casca.

8) Self-confidence

God hand

Self-confidence is the foundation of everything; Unless you believe you can do it, things won't happen. Everything we do in life comes from the idea that we can do it. If you believe you can't succeed, you will never succeed.

Guts has been doing this since birth; he knew he had to do it to survive, and he overcame the most difficult conditions anyone could ever face. He did not back down, even after seeing that his opponents were true gods.

9) The price of ambition

Griffith (Berserk)
Berserk (anime)

You must be willing to sacrifice your current possessions to achieve great things. If you're determined not to give up on things to get something better, you won't be able to go much further.

Griffith's ambition to become strong cost him everything: his friends, his comrades, and everything he had built over the years were taken away from him. Gut's desire to kill Griffith is the same. Guts gave up most things in life to kill Griffith.

10) Protect your love at all costs


Whatever the situation, you must be strong enough to protect your loved ones in times of difficulty and adversity. His deepest regret comes from his inability to do anything.

When Griffith attacked Casca before Gut's eyes, he realized how helpless he was, and he dedicated his life to never letting something like that happen again and worked extremely hard to achieve it.


These are some of the lessons we can take from Berserk, implement them into our everyday lives and hope to become a better version of ourselves. The series also conveys other messages, but we tried to highlight the lessons.

Do small things with lots of love.

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