Top 10 saddest deaths in Hell's Paradise

Top 10 saddest deaths in Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku

After witnessing some of the events in the first season of the Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku anime, fans were eager to see more. The series only gives a glimpse of the sadder deaths, and the real parts await you in its manga counterparts.

So in today's post, we will share with you the list of the saddest deaths in Hell's Paradise manga that will make you cry. So, let's get started!

Top 10 Saddest Deaths in Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku


Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Ran is one of the Lord Tensens and has no sympathy for human beings. In her fight against Gabimaru and Yuzuriha, Ran describes her incredible Tao powers and abilities. He easily overpowered Gabimaru thanks to his elemental advantage over him.

However, their fight became more interesting and gradually tilted in favor of Gabimaru and Yuzuriha. Although he uses everything against them, Ran cannot kill any of them. Finally, Ran receives Yuzuriha's final blow and meets death, which he did not expect to happen this way.

9. Shija

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Shija is a talented shinobi from Iwagakure Village who has a special place for her idol, Gabimaru. She is an incredibly powerful ninja and considered one of the strongest members of Iwagakure, with a wide range of powerful abilities.

As a result, her superiors assign her the task of killing Gabimaru, which is the most difficult mission she is given. In her confrontation with Gabimaru, she tries her best to kill him but cannot match Gabimaru's exceptional skills.

Last but not least, she met her end at the hands of Gabimaru, whom she idolized, which makes for some very heartfelt moments for fans.

8. Eizen

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Eizen's death is one of the most unexpected deaths in Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku. No one ever expected that Eizen, 1st Rank Asaemon Yamada, would be killed so easily by any enemy.

When he had just set foot on the island, he was immediately killed by Rokurota, one of the criminals on death row. Eizen has one second to respond or fight Rokurota, which makes his death more sad and horrible.

Furthermore, Rokurota inflicted the most brutal death on him by crushing his head with his bare hands. We also don't have enough time to learn more about Eizen, but his death scene is so hard to forget.

7. Hoko

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Hoko is one of the secondary characters in Hell Paradise: Jigokuraku, whose entire body is made of tree bark. Since meeting Mei, one of Lord Tensen, he has gradually developed a father-daughter type bond with her.

Hoko also raised Mei as her own daughter when she escaped from Horai. Later, when Hoko's head was decapitated by Mu Dan, he was still alive and able to recover. However, he decided to sacrifice his own power to save Mei's life instead of recovering.

This shows how much Hoko loves Mei and makes Hoko's death truly heartfelt, which makes everyone cry.

6.Zhu Jin

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Zhu Jin is one of the most powerful Tensen Lords who killed one of the most powerful Asaemon Yamada named Tenza. Ever since she lost Tenza, Shion has always wanted to face Zhu Jin to get revenge on her.

In the deadliest fight between Zhu Jin and Shion, both were seriously injured and tried their best to win. However, Shion completely ignores the fact that Zhu Jin cannot be killed until her main body is decapitated.

Although she cannot be killed by Shion's attack, her body is brutally damaged in the process. Finally, thanks to Aza Chobei, who found her main body and was able to kill her.

5. Ju Fa and Tao Fa

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

We are including two combined deaths here because Ju Fa and Tao Fa died simultaneously. As Lord Tensens' deadliest duo, they are incredibly powerful and impossible to defeat simultaneously.

However, the Aza brothers also form a deadly duo who face them in an intense battle. After so much struggle, Aza's brother finally succeeds in killing Ju Fa and Tao Fa with the help of Fuchi and Gantetsusai.

Moreover, they die in the most brutal way, divided into two equal halves. This is why their death became one of the most brutal and gruesome deaths in the series.

4. Nothing

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Rien is the main villain of the series and his death definitely deserved to be on the list. During her last fight against Gabimaru, she pulled out all the stops, using every ounce of her invincible powers and abilities.

On the other hand, Gabimaru also used his entire wide range of superhuman abilities and powers. It is the fight between two invincible characters who fought for their love.

At the end of the fight, Rien finally realized all the sins she had committed to achieve her goal and decided to let Sagiri kill her. The moments she remembers in her final moments are so heartfelt and make her death quite sad.

3. Senta

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Senta died with a smile on his face, unlike the deaths of other members of the Asaemon Yamada clan. In the fight against Mu Dan, he perfectly supported Sagiri, Shion and Yuzuriha to defeat him.

During the fight, Senta was seriously injured by Mu Dan's stinger, which was almost impossible to recover with medicine. After defeating Mu Dan, everyone tries to help him, but they can't do anything for him.

However, Yuzuriha tries to comfort him by telling him to think about the precious moments in his life. Finally, Senta feels lucky to spend his last moments of life in Yuzuriha's arms.

2. Fuchi

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Fuchi's death is undoubtedly one of the saddest deaths in Hell Heaven. Jigokuraku made everyone cry. He fights against several powerful Lord Tensens and other enemies as well as his colleagues.

In an attempt to save Gantetsusai from Shugen, Fuchi gave his all but was left brutally injured by him. If he died at the hands of Shugen, his death might not be considered the saddest.

But in his final moments, Fuchi chose to heal Gantetsusai's life and ultimately die. It's one of the best moments of sacrifice in the series, showing off Fuchi's acts of kindness and ultimately leaving a lasting impression on fans.

1. Tenza

Deaths in Hell's Paradise

Tenza is one of the major members of the Asaemon Yamada clan, and his death is the saddest death in the series. In a fierce fight against Lord Tensen member Zhu Jin, Tenza fought fiercely until the end.

Even though he faced one of the strongest Lord Tensens and had no chance of winning, Tenza still refused to give up. He also suffered countless terrible attacks from Zhu Jin that left him badly injured and gasping for air.

With his last breath, Tenza accepted his honorable fate but also wished for a different future. His sad death is a heartbreaking reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of honor and duty.


That’s all for the post! We hope you found the saddest deaths in Hell's Paradise useful. Each of these deaths is truly heartfelt and has the potential to make you cry. No matter which Death you watch, like Asaemon Yamada, Lord Tensen, Criminal Death Row, or anyone else, you can't resist the urge to feel bad for them.

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