Are Commanders More Powerful Than Admirals in One Piece

Revolutionary Army Commanders vs Admirals: Are Commanders More Powerful Than Admirals in One Piece
In the world of One Piece , three major players compete to control the flow of the world: the World Government, the Sea Emperors, and the Revolutionary Army.
Each party has a different goal in mind. But as the end approaches, the confrontation between them begins in full force. In this article, we will talk about the clash between two of these major players: the Marines and the Revolutionary Army. Here's our take on the Revolutionary Army commanders' debate and debate.
Who are the commanders of the revolutionary army in One Piece?
The Revolutionary Army is a rebel force led by , the most wanted man in the world. The goal of the Revolutionary Army is to end the oppressive rule of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government who control the world at will and hide the truth from ordinary people.
Over the years, the Revolutionary Army has grown and transformed into a formidable force that the World Government fears. Their membership has also grown and they currently have hundreds of volunteer fighters who share their goals.
As in any organization, there is a hierarchy of authority within the Revolutionary Army. The leader is Dragon, and the second-in-command and chief of staff is .
Below him there are five commanders and their individual deputy commanders. Below them are the officers. Kuma and both are officers in the revolutionary army.
Apart from these, there are many other members and associates of the military as well. Currently, they are working to cause an uprising in the nations to rebel against the world government.
1) Emporio Ivankov (Commander of Army G)
Devil Fruit: Horm-Horm Fruit
- The Paramecia type allows Ivankov to change someone from the inside out by injecting hormones.
- The hormone can change many aspects of the affected person, including gender, growth, skin pigmentation, stamina and emotions.
- Ivankov can also inject himself with the hormone to become stronger in fights.
2) Belo Betty (Commander of the Eastern Army)
Devil Fruit: Pump-Pump Fruit
- Belo Betty's Paramecia fruit allows her to encourage those around her, allies and enemies, to fight by speaking motivating words.
- His words increase the willpower and physical strength of those affected.
3) Morley (Commander of the Western Army)
Devil Fruit: Push-Push Fruit
- Morley is a giant Okama who possesses immense physical strength.
- Its Paramecia fruit grants it the ability to manipulate soil like clay. However, the floor retains its original weight and hardness.
- With this ability, she can move the ground at will and move underground.
4) Karasu (commander of the Northern Army)
Devil Fruit: Soot Fruit
- Karasu's Devil Fruit allows him to manifest and manipulate various forms of soot, including crows made of soot.
5) Lindbergh (commander of the Southern Army)
Devil Fruit: NA
- As a cat, Lindbergh can use Electro and generate high voltage electricity.
- In the visible presence of the moon, he can transform into his more powerful form.
Who are the admirals in One Piece?
Admirals are the Marines' greatest military arms. They hold the second highest position of authority among the Marines, working under the direction of the Fleet Admiral. The exact number of admirals in the Marines is not fixed, but we have only seen two sets of three admirals, one before the time jump and one after.
Before the time jump, the admirals were (Sakazuki), Aokiji (Kuzan), and (Borsalino), operating under the Fleet Admiral.
After Sengoku's retirement, Akainu and Aokiji fought for seven nights and days for the position of fleet admiral on Punk Hazard until Aokiji lost and Akainu became the new fleet admiral of the Marines .
Unwilling to work under Akainu, Aokiji resigned his position, leaving two seats vacant for the position of admiral. Soon, Fujitora (Issho) and Ryokugyu (Aramaki) were promoted to admirals.
1) Kizaru/Borsalino
Devil Fruit: Glint-Glint Fruit
- The Glint-Glint Fruit is a Logia-type fruit that allows Kizaru to generate, manipulate and transform light at his will.
- Like all Logia, this fruit grants the user the ability to transform into light, becoming a Human of Light.
- The light from this fruit follows the properties of light and can only travel in straight lines and through reflections.
- With this fruit, Kizaru can move at the speed of light.
2) Fujitora/Issho
Devil Fruit: Pressed fruits
- This Paramecia-like fruit can create and control gravity at the user's will.
- The user can increase or decrease the gravitational force as desired.
- Using this fruit, Fujitora also brought down a meteorite from the sky.
3) Ryokugyu/Aramaki
Devil Fruit: Woodland Fruit
- Eaten by Admiral Ryokugyu, the Forest Fruit is a Logia-type fruit that allows him to manifest, manipulate and transform the forest to his will, transforming him into a Forest Human.
- Like all other Logia-type fruits, this also gives it the ability to transform into a walking forest.
- Aramaki can also use the roots of vegetation to absorb liquid from anything.
- He can also use the flying flower to fly.
Revolutionary Army Commanders versus Admirals

Operating at odds with the law, the Revolutionary Army's greatest enemy is the Marines. Just as admirals are the greatest military arms of the Marines, commanders are the same for the Revolutionary Army.
They are destined to clash since the rebel forces have just declared war on the world government.
The two forces momentarily collided in Marygeoise when the Commanders invaded the Reverie Convention to declare war on the World Government and save Bartholomew Kuma from the Celestial Dragons.
To save the Celestial Dragons, Navy Admirals Fujitora and Ryokugyu fought against Commanders Karasu and Morley. The fight was incomplete as both sides retreated to concentrate on their own objectives.
Are Commanders more powerful than Admirals in One Piece?
The commanders of the Revolutionary Army are all extremely powerful in their own right. With the exception of Lindbergh and the cat Mink, every commander has a Devil Fruit power. However, the strongest in the army are undoubtedly Dragon and Sabo.
As for the admirals, it doesn't take much to explain their strength. They are the strongest the Marines have to offer, and they have proven it time and time again.
The previous generation of admirals, consisting of Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru, and the new generation of Kizaru, Fujitora and Ryokugyu are some of the strongest characters in One Piece.
During the Marineford War, Akainu briefly fought against Ivankov and defeated him fairly quickly. When the Reverie invasion took place, Fujitora and Ryokugyu faced off against Karasu and Morley, and they seemed pretty evenly matched.
However, this cannot be the true estimate of their power since the admirals were unable to give their all in battle due to their presence on Marygeoise. They had to suppress most of their powers and even then they were formidable adversaries.
It is obvious that the admirals are indeed stronger than the commanders of the Revolutionary Army. That being said, the location of this fight could also affect commanders since some fighters need a wider area to unleash their full force. Still, admirals are the best bet in this commanders versus admirals discussion.
From our previous discussion, we can safely conclude the answer to the debate between the commanders of the Revolutionary Army and the admirals. As we have seen, admirals are more powerful than commanders. However, we don't know if the same can be said for Sabo and Dragon.
The war between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government is approaching soon. The One Piece manga currently focuses on Sabo revealing the truth about what happened that fateful day on Reverie.
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