Dissecting the Baki and Yujiro Hanma father-son relationship

Dissecting the Baki and Yujiro Hanma father-son relationship

In the world of cinema and anime, there are many complex father-son relationships, but none have been as captivating and powerful as Baki and Yujiro Hanma.

The usual stories we all witnessed revolved around the father-son duo battling against hostile circumstances and external forces in their quest for thrill and adventure or simply survival. In the history of cinema, we have had many marvels such as The Godfather, The Pursuit of Happyness, The Road to Perdition, The Road and many other films that offer an introspective examination of the father-son dynamic from of their deep bond, love and relationship. commitment to each other in their collective struggles for a better future and prospects.

Likewise, we have seen many such cases in anime, the most famous ones being: Goku/Gohan, Vegata/Trunks, Minato/Naruto, Naruto/Boruto and Ichigo/Isshin. The common thread running through all of these bonds is the father's expectations of greatness for his sons, which sometimes manifest in a positive light, such as in the form of Goku, Naruto, and Minato's father, and often in authoritarian contexts like Vegeta and Ichigo.

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Presentation of Yujiro Hanma:

Multiply the overbearing, crushing expectations of a normal father by a million times and you get Yujiro Hanma, the Ogre. The strongest being on the planet and a beast of nature who looks down on his sons for being weak due to ideals of mercy, companionship and friendship.

He is a father who has always neglected his responsibilities and never considered his son as an emanation of his brilliant DNA or the famous Hanma lineage. According to some sources, Yujiro is one of the most sadistic and satanic characters ever created in anime history.

So it's understandable that he would have such feelings and expectations for his son.

Presentation of Baki the grappling hook:

Baki, on the other hand, is a very complex character. At one point, he's a son trying to be the strongest man on the planet to get revenge on his mother by killing his father, and at the same time, he's an everyday average kid who yearns for his father's love. .

In both cases, he pushes the limits of his body and mind to reach heights in fighting and martial arts in the same vein as his father despite his small size and physique. He defeats many powerful fighters in his quest, extremely despicable opponents who long to find enemies capable of defeating them.

But at the end of every victory and accomplishment, he finds himself on the other end of his father's sarcastic remarks during most of the anime series, until the last anime fight of the century.

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The fight of the century:

There have been many great fights in anime history. We had Goku vs. Jiren, Naruto/Sasuke Vs. Six Paths Madara, Ichigo Vs. Byakuya, Goku Vs. Vegeta and Goku vs. Frieza, and although the fight between Baki and Yujiro was nothing like the aforementioned fights in terms of adrenaline rush for the viewer, the fight told us a lot about the evolving father-son dynamic between the fighters.

The fight forces us to think that maybe Yujiro is not the monster we believe him to be, maybe he has feelings for his son or maybe he has a change of heart , but something very unusual happens in the fight as it is. This is the very first time in his life that Yujiro shows shades of compassion and respect towards another fighter, his son.

Likewise, Baki goes through the same unusual feelings, constantly questioning his beliefs about his father and wondering if he was wrong about the man all along. He wants recognition and love that he didn't have children and at the same time, he doesn't want to show weakness in front of his father. Confused between the two, he finds the right balance between gaining recognition while annoying his father.

Closing Note: A Psychological Perspective

Most of us can relate to the relationships we see in movies and cartoons, because we've all had our share of beautiful and distant relationships.

However, what is common, even in the most distant relationships, is that the son always seeks recognition from his father for his achievements and, likewise, the father's expectations are always very demanding. What varies is the education process, the connection, and the degree/lack of expectations.

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