A Kou in Kingdom: past, abilities and responsibilities

A Kou in Kingdom: past, abilities and responsibilities

A Kou in the Kingdom was one of the most popular and Qin. But there is so much more information about it that we need to know.

Many specific things about his past are deliberately left out, and we only learned some of it during the Battle of Hango. That's why we made this article, focusing on everything we know about A Kou.

A Kou fans, make sure to catch up on recent chapters before reading this article, because this article will contain a lot more spoilers regarding A Kou and some recent spoilers during the most recent arc, the Battle of Hango .

A Kou in the Kingdom: Wiki

A Kou in Kingdom: Wiki

Name With
Current age 40s
Rank General
Region Qin
Eye colour Black
Hair color Black
Equipment Podao Sword
Ability Mastery of the Glaive, immense strength and endurance
Marital status N / A
Lover N / A

As we all know, A Kou is one of the most popular and strongest generals. He is the commander of the first division of Ou Sen's army and is widely known for his immense strength in battle.

On top of that, he is also Ou Sen's most trusted general and right-hand man. Adding all these factors, we understand that A Kou's true skill is revealed when he wants to help during wars.

We also saw that A Kou was able to fight on par with Ba Nan Ji, and he held his own for a while while simultaneously fighting Ba Nan Ji and Gyou'un. These are a few examples that showcase his tenacity and combat skills.

Some of his common titles are Ou Sen's right-hand man or the Iron Man of Ou Sen's army. He is also extremely loyal to Ou Sen and rarely shows emotions towards others.

Passed by A Kou in Kingdom

Past of A Kou in Kingdom

We got more information about A Kou and his past in recent chapters. Only in the new one did we learn some of his past and his nationality in the past.

The story takes place more than ten years ago, when A Kou lived near Hango, Zhao. He was just a simple enemy soldier fighting for his kingdom to protect civilians and his family.

But their entire army had lost the battle after fighting with Ou Sen. At that time, Ou Sen revealed his true intentions of building an independent kingdom, but A Kou thought this would be impossible.

Regardless of this, he was still moved by Ou Sen's goals. Ou Sen also offered A Kou a chance to join his army and fight for him instead of pledging loyalty and fighting for Qin.

Ou Sen also says that they have a long way to go to achieve their goals. After that, we can assume that A Kou also wanted to be part of Ou Sen's goals and fight for an independent kingdom.

It is further understandable that he started from a soldier's position, even in Ou Sen's army. Finally, after almost a decade, he rose to the rank of general and became commander of the first division of Ou Sen's army.

Since then, he has also become a trusted general of Ou Sen, and A Kou has long been Ou Sen's number one commander.

A Kou's Abilities in Kingdom

Abilities of A Kou in Kingdom

From the official guide, we have a general idea of ​​what A Kou's stats look like. In addition to having immense physical strength and leadership qualities, he is also a very intelligent person.

The only thing he lacks seems to be experience, as shown when he willingly enters Ri Boku's trap even after knowing it is a trap. A Kou's style is always a direct attack; he doesn't like subtle attacks and traps.

  • A Kou is a master of Glave and fought on par with Ba Nan Ji.
  • He had also withstood heavy combo attacks and even proved to be a nuisance to Fu Tei.
  • We had also witnessed A Kou's immense strength many times.
  • In addition to this, he possesses a high level of endurance, which was even demonstrated during the Battle of Hango.
  • A Kou also trained his soldiers well and was a good leader and commander.
  • All his soldiers would be willing to give their lives for him and always follow his orders.
  • Thanks to Ou Sen's tactics, A Kou can also use some of them in his fights. '
  • He also has extraordinary tactical instincts and can understand them better.
  • A Kou also has several military formations for both attack and defense.
  • Thanks to his leadership qualities, he can use Wave Attack training effectively.
  • It also uses shells and joint formations for defense, which is extremely difficult to penetrate.
  • Additionally, the defensive formation can withstand three enemy armies attacking it together.

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Responsibilities of A Kou in Kingdom

Responsibilities of A Kou in Kingdom

A Kou's main responsibility in the Kingdom is to serve and protect Ou Sen at all costs. We've witnessed his loyalty to his lord many times, and even recent chapters have proven him to be Ou Sen's most loyal vassal.

That's why A Kou followed him even though he knew it was a trap. A Kou wanted to kill him to end the war in Ou Sen's name. Since joining Ou Sen's army, he wanted to achieve Ou Sen's goals.

Ou Sen understood that the situation in the 7 States was very bad and he wanted to change everything. Although Ou Sen's soldiers and generals would be willing to give their lives for their lord, A Kou is very different from them.

He always does what he thinks is best for his lord, besides following all of Ou Sen's orders. He can also understand Ou Sen's motivations and goals, leading people to call him Ou Sen's right-hand man.

With this, we will conclude our article on A Kou in the Kingdom. For more Kingdom content and other articles, check out our here.

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