Top 25 strongest characters in the Vagabond manga

Top 25 strongest characters in the Vagabond manga

Vagabond is one of the most remarkable works of fiction you will ever encounter. The series is written so simply yet so profoundly that one can change the course of their life if they adhere to the morals shared in the story.

The story, which received several accolades, was written by Takehiko Inoue. The series is set in a time when people lived and died by blades. The story is one of the best written stories, and after a few chapters you can resonate with the main character.

The series chronicles the journey of Musashi Miyamoto, who is on the verge of finding his true self and struggles to succeed, but with each new step, he learns a new lesson, which makes him a better person than yesterday. This article will focus on the characters of The Vagabond.

Top 25 strongest characters in the Vagabond manga

25) Jotaro


Jotaro is the secondary character of the manga series Vagabond. He is a monk and a good swordsman. He's also a very intellectual guy.

He is the one who serves as the spiritual guide and mentor to our main character, Musashi. He always guides Musashi to help him become a better warrior. He is indeed an important and essential character in the Vagabond series.

24) Sukekuro Kimura


Sukekuro Kimura is a member of the Yoshioka school. Sukekuro Kimura is well trained as a swordsman.

He plays a vital role throughout the series, where he has dueled with many swordsmen, including the main character, Musashi. Sukekuro Kimura is also skilled in martial arts; he practices ryu style arts. Overall, he's a great character.

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23) Bungoro Hikita


Bungoro Hikita has long hair and wears traditional samurai attire. He has a scar on his face, which tells us how experienced a warrior he is. He is the disciple of Kami Izumi Ise no Kami and has been under his care for a long time.

He is a powerful and fearsome swordsman and is considered a ruthless warrior. He plays an important role throughout the series as he is one of Musashi's adversaries. He was introduced in the early chapters of the series and played a prominent role in some scenes.

22) Magobé Debuchi


Magobe Debuchi is a physical giant compared to the other characters in the story. He was also one of Musashi's opponents when he entered the Wagyu school to search for the most muscular man.

Magobe Debuchi is a member of the Itto-Ryu rivalry, Ichi-Ryu's rival martial arts school. He is known for his immense strength, which matches his unique fighting style. He was introduced to readers in the Yagyu arc.

21) Soho met


Soho Takuan serves as a mentor to Musashi and acts as a big brother to Otsu. Soho Takuan is a focused monk; he is very direct with his opinions, which may make him seem rude, but that is not the case; he is wise.

He taught Musashi a lot about humility. We can see Takuan tying Musashi to a tree and mentally tormenting him to teach Musashi a lesson. The way of teaching can be brutal, but it undoubtedly helped Musashi.

20) Hyogonosuke Yagyu


Hyogonosuke Yagyu is the grandson of Sekishusai Yagyu, director of the Yagyu estate and school. He has thick eyebrows, a manly face and a muscular build. His personality is childish, but he cares about those close to him.

He was also seen crying for his grandfather while seeing him in a fragile state. The students at Yagyu School also respect him. Every time the students see him, they greet him very well. He has a warm personality but becomes alert whenever he senses murderous intentions from someone and quickly becomes aggressive.

19) Rindo Baiken

Rindo Baiken is the daughter of Baiken Shishido and was adopted by Kohei Tsujikaze. Throughout the series, we've seen Rindo keep quiet rather than speak; she likes to use her actions to convey her thoughts.

She is also very stealthy and can move from one point to another without being detected. She is also very fast and can kill anyone with a single swing of her chain. Even though she is still a child, her ability to kill is among the best in the series.

18) Fudo Yugetsusai

Fudo Yugetsusai

Fudo Yugetsusai is a former military officer who helped liberate a village. Later, after ruling over a village, he abused his power over the village, offered no protection to the village, and caused damage.

He is a drunkard who steals food from villagers, takes pubescent girls by force and marries them, making them into brides. The villagers therefore decide to kill Fudo. During the night, Jisai, chosen by the villagers, kills Fudo and gains the respect of the villagers.

Although at the time they considered him their hero and savior, towards the end of his life he was nothing more than a dictator who abused his power for entertainment and had to pay the price.

17) Kizaemon Shoda


Kizaemon Shoda is one of the most talented swordsmen Musashi has encountered. He gave Musashi a hard time and was also able to teach him valuable lessons. Kizaemon Shoda is the leader of four senior Yagyu disciples.

He has a massive build and is very competitive. He doesn't let a good opponent leave without fighting with him. He is loyal and will eliminate anyone who appears to pose a threat to his superiors. He also fought in Sekigahara and eliminated several opponents.

16) He


Jisai seemed to be a loner who kept to himself. Jisai ignored the outside world and constantly forgot what his students looked like. One day, Jisai receives a letter from his former student, Sakeyasu Sasaki, informing him that he will die soon and asking him to take care of his son.

Shortly after waiting for the child and gradually losing hope, he saw a boat with a child inside. The child's name was Kojiro. After receiving Kojiro, he becomes a caring father.

15) Sadakore


Sadakore is an older man and short in stature. He is the captain of his team. He was a great swordsman and teacher; he taught at his school, where he also trained his adopted son, Koun.

In the series, we saw him fight with his team for the Western side during the brutal Battle of Sekigahara, but unfortunately, Sadkore's team lost the battle. Sadkore and his remaining squad attempted to escape the battle, but they were surrounded by enemies hiding in the forest.

14) Toji Gion


Toji Gion has a calm and relaxed personality. In the first Yoshioka arc, he leads the Yoshioka School. He seems uninterested in fighting and irresponsible, but later in Hozoin Arc, after burning down the school, Toji sees Musashi fighting Inshun during the fight.

He is shocked and realizes how much more he needs to improve to defeat Inshun. After witnessing the fight, Toji disappears into the forest. Despite his immense talent, he likes to work hard, does not take things lightly and wants to be the best in the country.

13) Ryohei Ueda


Ueda wears a yukata and her hair is tied in the chonmage style. Ryohei Ueda was an abandoned child. Later he was adopted by Kempo. Ryohei grew up with Seijuro and Denshichiro.

Ryohei had a brotherly bond with Seijuro and Denshichiro, so he used to go easy on them during training battles. However, Ryohei was criticized by Kempo for being easy, and Kempo told him to fight fairly with all his strength.

Soon, Ryohei was kicked out of school for going easy on Denshichiro, but somehow, Ryohei Ueda managed to return to school. Moving on to Denshichiro's duel with Musashi, Denshichiro was killed shortly after; his other brother was also killed in the duel, so Ryohei Ueda is declared head of the Yoshioka school.

12) Denshichiro Yoshioka


Denshichiro Yoshioka is a tall, muscular man with a broad, pointed face. He is the son of Kenpo Yoshioka and the younger brother of Seijuro Yoshioka. He is also a teacher. Denshichiro Yoshioka is a respectful swordsman who never goes back on his word.

His brother Seijuro is the principal of Yoshioka School, but Denshichiro Yoshioka takes care of the students and trains them. He considers his brother a better swordsman and works hard to match him.

11) Kohei Tsujikaze


In the series, we saw Kohei Tsujikaze wearing a bandana on his head and wielding a sword as a weapon. Later in the series, when he grows up, we see him with long hair and a scar on his face and using a sickle and chain as a weapon.

Kohei Tsujikaze's mother attempts to kill him by pushing him into the waterfall, but Tenma Tsujikaze kills her and takes Khoei under his wing. At age 12, Khoei joined a group called Tsujikaze and was its wildest member.

Under the group's influence, Khoei attempted to rape a villager's wife. Disgusted, Tenma killed the woman to put her out of her misery and crushed Kōhei's testicles, rendering him impotent. Kohei attempted to kill Tenma but failed and was imprisoned.

10) Inshun Hozoin


Inshun Hozoin appears to be young at the time of Vagabond; he is a monk, and therefore he is bald, nor does he have any facial hair other than his eyebrows. At a very young age, he was incredibly gifted and considered a prodigy.

He also tells his peers to be quiet during a duel. His strength comes from his childhood, when he saw his parents die before him and he couldn't do anything because he was too young.

He trains to become invincible and wants to eliminate his weakness and guilt. Once he realizes this after his fight with Musashi, he seems to be happier, challenging Musashi to a friendly encounter to see if they will see each other again.

9) Seijuro Yoshioka


Seijuro looks much younger than his age, unlike other skilled swordsmen and men. He has a feminine face. He wears a yukata with a katana on the side of his hip. Seijuro Yoshioka is a very responsible man.

He truly loves his lover, Akemi, and wishes to marry Akemi. Seijuro Yoshioka likes to play with girls, but he also likes to drink a lot. He may seem harsh, but he cares deeply about his family and his students.

Seijuro Yoshioka protects the backs of his brother and his disciples by eliminating threats using all available methods, even if they disregard his samurai's honor. Seijuro inherited the Yoshioka School and was its leader. However, it was a title he never wanted.

8) Yoshioka Kempo

Yoshioka Kempo is one of the members of the Yoshioka School. Besides being a good teacher, he is also an excellent swordsman and very well trained in martial arts.

Yoshioka plays a vital role throughout the manga, as he is a rival of Musashi, with whom they have fought on several occasions. Yoshioka Kempo pushes Musashi to become an excellent swordsman. He also plays a crucial role in the development of the series.

7) Munisai Shinmen


Munisai Shinmen, also known as Miyamoto Muninosuke, is a very notable character in Vagabond. He is the father of Musashi Miyamoto, a samurai; he treated his son very harshly so that he would become a tough samurai when he grew up.

He was very strict but also kind. He was highly skilled in martial arts and specialized in the use of swords and juttas. He deliberately made his son hate him so that he could understand how hostile the world is.

In those days, you either kill or get killed. That's how things happened, and if he had shown his tender side towards his son, Musashi would have become weak and killed early on.

6) Musashi Miyamoto


Musashi Miyamoto is one of the main protagonists of the Vagabond manga series. Musashi Miyamoto is considered one of the most powerful swordsmen in Japanese history. Initially, his name was Takezou Shinmen, but later he changed it to Musashi Miyamoto.

His father treated Musashi Miyamoto very harshly, so he wanted to defeat his father for his childhood. This desire made him fear others; however, he had a soft side for his childhood friend Otsu.

In the series, we saw him obsessed with making "Invincible under the Heavens" until he realized it was a meaningless title. Later in the series we see him gentler and more peaceful.

5) Kojirō Sasaki


Kojiro Sasaki, one of the main protagonists of the Vagabond series, is also known by his nickname, Echizen's Crazy Tiger. He is the legendary rival of Musashi Miyamoto.

In the series, he is portrayed as deaf and mute; he has a baby face with long flowing hair. Kojiro was born to Sasaki Sukeyasu and his wife. However, their castle would be destroyed in battle, so his father sent him to his master, Jisai Kanemaki, to avoid death.

Later in the series, he fights his opponents, strengthening Kojiro Sasaki. Kojiro Sasaki is known for his swallow cutting technique, which is very deadly in fights. Kojiro's personality is very cheerful. However, he is also very sexually active. His way of communicating with people is to fight against them.

4) This Ittosi


Ito Ittosi, known as Ito Yagoro, is a legendary swordsman and grandmaster. Ittosai is one of Vagabond's most renowned swordsmen, considered a legend or myth. He was Kanemaki Jisai's main disciple.

He is incredibly fast and sturdy, fast enough to cut a gun in half and draw his sword with little effort. He is famous for challenging Miyamoto Musashi. Ittosai has a humorous personality; we even saw him having fun in the middle of a fight.

He laughs very often, because he knows that few individuals can defeat him. But Ittosai can quickly get serious in combat if necessary, making him deadly. He follows his path and makes his judgments.

3) Inei Hozoin


Inei Hozoin is a supporting character in Vagabond; he is also a historical figure famous for the founding school of Sojutsu called Hozoin-ryu. Inei Hozoin is a bald, wrinkled, broad-faced old man.

Its eyes are small and appear closed. Like his student and friend Yagyu Sekishusai, he is humorous and light-hearted; however, he is also very wise but can be harsh at times. He also trained Musashi and gave him proper guidance.

When Inei was younger and a student of Kami Izumi Ise, he was stupid and carefree, just like Musashi. After years of training with Kami Izumi Ise, he discovered hozoin-ryu. Years later, he became good friends with Inshun and his parents before their deaths. After their deaths, Inei welcomed Inshun with love and affection.

2) Sekishusai Yagyu


Sekishusai Yagyu is an older man with long hair. But later in the series, he shaved his hair. He is a very kind and respectful man. Sometimes he can be careless, but he is wise. He also cares for his grandson Hyogonosuke and takes Otsu as his granddaughter.

He can be seen worrying about Otsu when she leaves to find Musashi. Despite his age, he is very healthy and active. He is a talented swordsman, and few people are also said to pose a threat to him. You can make a rough estimate; it can even scare someone while they sleep.

1) Kami Izumi Ise no Kami

Kami Izumi Ise no Kami

During his lifetime, Kami was known as the greatest swordsman. Even the powerful Takeda Shingen was impressed by his skills. He was incredibly talented, even at the age of 50. One day, the young Yagyu Tajima no Kami Muneyoshi challenges Kami by saying: “I respect you, but you are already 50 years old; This fight is mine!

Kami accepted the duel and entered without a weapon. When Yagyu faced Kami, he could smell blood and thirst, but the thirst came from Kami; it was his reflection. Yagyu was feared, but Kami grabbed the sword from Yagyu's hands and dropped it in no time.

Witnessing the duel, Inei also asks to face Kami, saying: “Bastard! Do you think you can face me without a weapon? ". Before Inei could do anything, Kami snatched the spear from her hands incredibly quickly. Inei then admitted defeat.

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