Who is Shion in Jigokuraku?

Who is Shion in Jigokuraku? The Infamous Child Sword God, Explained

Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku is a recently released action-fantasy anime that has quickly gained popularity among fans. This series has a similar concept of forming a filled organization like in Demon Slayer.

As a result, fans are eager to know more about the Asaemon Yamada clan and its powerful members. Among all the members of Asaemon Yamada, some are exceptionally strong and receive immense love from fans.

So, in today's article we will talk about Shion, one of the strongest members of Asaemon Yamada. Due to his exceptional swordsmanship, he is also known as the "Infamous Sword God Child" in the Hell's Paradise series. So let's get started and learn everything about Shion in Jigokuraku.

Who is Shion in Jigokuraku?

Shion in Jigokuraku

Shion is one of the important characters in Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku. He is a member of the Yamada clan and ranks fourth. Additionally, he is highly respected by other clan members and has the potential to become a leader in the future.

His short and pointed appearance gives him a very attractive look and makes him one of the most handsome characters in Hell's Paradise. Besides her high rank and beauty, her personality is quite captivating.

His kindness, compassion and virtuous nature set him apart from other members of the clan. As a result, he is also considered one of the most beloved characters in the series. He shared a good relationship with Tenza and Nurugai and had a deep feeling for them.

Although he was born blind, he developed a remarkable ability to perceive the world around him. To understand his environment, he uses his other senses and his special gift of perception of the Tao.

Shion: Power Level

Power Level of Shion

As the fourth and strongest Asaemon Yamada, he possesses exceptional swordsmanship skills. He also shows his unwavering determination by becoming one of the few survivors of the Kotaku Island mission.

On Kotaku Island, Shion faces countless dangerous challenges and formidable enemies. However, he managed to become one of the few surviving members thanks to his unwavering determination.

In his fight against Mu Dan, he not only defended himself, but also delivered a decisive blow to defeat him. In this fight, he shows his best swordsmanship skills and his formidable Tao abilities. By killing Mu Dan, he also managed to get revenge on him for killing his buddy Senta.


  • Shion has exceptional speed, lightning-fast reflexes, and unmatched agility. This is why he is able to quickly move Nurugai away from Zhu Jin's attack.
  • He is an incredibly talented swordsman with inexhaustible stamina. His swordsmanship is so impressive that he can easily switch between normal and reverse grip styles.
  • Shion not only had speed and skill, but also more than sufficient physical strength. As a result, he easily kicked Mu Dan away with a single kick.
  • He used four unique but powerful sword techniques, such as Demon Rain, Long Autumn Rains, Autumn Shower, and Two-Wheeled Moon.
  • He possesses the Tao Wood attribute and has demonstrated mastery in its use. This ability helps him throw his sword accurately and defend against attacks from all angles.
  • Aside from his powerful abilities, he also possesses a keen mind, which makes him an excellent fencing teacher. His intelligence allows him to pass on his knowledge and expertise in sword fighting with skill and efficiency.
  • His greatest power and abilities will be demonstrated in the fight against two powerful Lord Tensens: Mu Dan and Zhu Jin. Additionally, these two fights are also one of the best and deadliest fights in Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku.

Evangelion Figure Come and See

Why is Shion important in Jigokuraku?

Shion is Important

  • Shion is an exceptional member of the Yamada clan. He is crucial because he has the potential to one day become their leader.
  • He is an extremely talented swordsman and can use a variety of sword styles. He also enhanced his skills and power to the maximum using his Wood attribute, Tao.
  • Another important aspect of Shion is that he is an excellent teacher. He knows a lot about sword fighting and teaches others how to do the same, making him a valuable aspect of the Asaemon Yamada clan.
  • He possesses an unwavering will and is capable of using one of the most powerful Tao techniques. Although he was born blind, he used his sword with great precision and was able to defend himself from all sides.
  • You will be surprised to know that Shion won the first place in the Hell Paradise popularity poll with a total of 2797 votes. These votes perfectly indicate the importance of Shion's character. After all, he won more votes than the main characters, despite being a supporting character in the series.
  • Shion is also the first human in human history to successfully kill a Tensen (Mu Dan).

Final Thoughts

That’s all for the post! We hope you enjoyed this article and know everything about Shion in Jigokuraku. He is extremely powerful and makes excellent use of his greatest sword fighting skills as well as his Tao abilities. So there is no doubt why he got the title of "Infamous Sword God Child".

Shion just showed a brief glimpse of her incredible powers and abilities in the Hell's Paradise anime. On the other hand, most of his powers and skills will be demonstrated in the upcoming season of the series when he fights some of the characters in the series.

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