Toru Hagakure: Everything about the most beautiful girl in MHA

Toru Hagakure: Everything about the most beautiful girl in MHA

My Hero Academia became popular thanks to its interesting plot, in-depth world-building, and lovable characters. The main characters of the series are the students of Class 1-A of the UA Academy Hero course. Among the colorful students, the one who doesn't literally grab our attention is Toru Hagakure.

Thanks to her invisibility, we don't see much of Hagakure, although she is quite talkative and has good relationships with all of her classmates. However, there hasn't been a significant moment for her to shine, making her an unlikely character to root for.

Fortunately, in the Final War Arc, Hagakure finally has her moment to establish herself as an interesting character capable of holding our attention. Not only that, but she also happens to be one of the most beautiful girls in the series. In this article, we will talk about everything related to Toru Hagakure in .

Toru Hagakure in My Hero Academia

I. Appearance


Toru Hagakure's main characteristic is his invisibility. For the longest time, neither the characters nor the readers had any idea what she looked like. It is not until chapter 337 that we can get an idea of ​​his appearance. During the UA Traitor Arc, when it is finally revealed that Yuga Aoyama is the UA Academy traitor who passed inside information to All For One, a clue to Toru's appearance is shown.

It's Aoyama's naval laser that literally highlights Toru's appearance. Toru is a slender figure and is the shortest girl in Class 1-A. She has wavy, messy chartreuse hair, streaked with light pink and reaching just below her shoulders.

His eyes are large and surrounded by thick light yellow eyelashes. Toru's upper lashes are more prominent than the lower lashes. Her eyes are also very interesting, her irises are a mix of two colors: purple on top and turquoise on the bottom. There is another light yellow circle in his irises, surrounding the pupils.

Throughout the story, Toru wears many outfits. Even though his body is not visible, his clothes still are. For this reason, his hero costume only consists of a pair of gloves and a pair of boots. This costume ensures that she remains vigilant around the enemy and maintains her attacks from stealth.

Like any Hero, she wears a winter costume. But due to her nature, she cannot cover herself and only upgrades her costume with thicker and taller boots.

II. Weirdness


Toru Hagakure's Quirk is one of the most obvious in history. His Quirk, Invisibility, allows his entire body to become completely invisible. This means that light rays cannot be reflected off the atoms that make up its body. However, this gives her the ability to refract light rays passing through her with her body. Refraction increases the intensity of light rays and manifests itself in blinding flashes.

His Quirk is clearly not the strongest and is not really useful in fights. But this gives him the ability to use stealth as a weapon and surprise his enemies while gathering valuable information. She is quite proficient in her stealth skills, able to avoid detection by Mezo Shoji whose Quirk makes him very effective at sensory detection.

Toru also manages to stay hidden during the AU Traitor Arc when Aoyama speaks with her parents about completing All For One's mission. This is how she discovers who the real traitor of the AU is.

To make her Quirk more useful, Toru also trains herself to control the direction of refraction, redirecting it as she wishes. During the Provisional Hero License Exam, she uses her Invisibility Quirk to redirect sunlight into her targets' eyes, rendering them unable to see for a few moments. She calls this technique Warp Refraction.

Later, Toru practices this technique with Aoyama to combine their Quirks for an attack in which she refracts Aoyama's naval laser towards a target, increasing the intensity and power of the laser. She names this technique Warp Refraction: Naval Laser and uses it during her fight against Kunieda.

III. Ability


Toru's Quirk is not ideal for combat and therefore she cannot fully rely on it during her fights. To compensate for her Quirk's offensive capabilities, she uses stealth and melee combat moves in battles. She is quite effective in close combat and uses her invisibility as a surprise factor to sneak up on her opponents.

However, the best use of Toru's Quirk is not one-on-one fights but assisted fights. Her Quirk and personality make her an incredible partner to fight with. Toru Hagakure repeatedly demonstrates her friendly nature and ability to team up with someone very effectively for a fight, most notably when she teams up with Shoji and later Aoyama.

IV. Role in history

Role in the Story

From the beginning, Toru Hagakure is more of a background character. She is one of the students in 1-A who spends the least amount of screen time and substance. Toru is often present with her classmates, especially the girls, but there has never been any significant development of her character. This finally changes in the AU Traitor Arc where she first expresses shock and sadness at a classmate who betrays them.

In the same arc, Toru's appearance is finally revealed, at least partially. Her practice with Aoyama pays off and is seen in the way she refracts the aimed naval laser. Later, in the final war arc where the ultimate war between heroes and villains breaks out, she uses her stealth to sneak up on Kunieda and, with the help of Aoyama's naval laser, defeats the villain.


That was all about Toru Hagakure, the invisible but undoubtedly most beautiful girl in MHA. Toru is such an interesting and endearing character and readers are dying to see more of her in the story. Hopefully in the future we get to see more of her and Toru.

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