Ranze Kurona in Blue Lock: Full Stats, Abilities

Ranze Kurona in Blue Lock: Full Stats, Abilities, and Facts

Ranze Kuronain Blue Lock is one of the most interesting players we have right now. Even though he was less in the spotlight, he quickly proved his worth with the limited opportunities he got.

Coming back to what we know about him, the wiki offers little about him. But we would still like to know more about a player of this caliber and talent.

We are here to quench your thirst for knowledge and talk about all things Ranze Kurona in Blue Lock. We'll cover everything we know so far about him in the manga and won't miss anything.


Who is Ranze Kurona in Blue Lock?

Who is Ranze Kurona in Blue Lock?

Japanese name Ranze Kurona
Hair color Pink
Eye colour Pink
Archetype N / A
Position Back
Team Bastard Munich

Ranze Kurona came from the last team selected for the second selection. Starting as a striker in this team, as well as his initial team, he quickly rose through the ranks thanks to his ability and skills.

He also doesn't like being in the spotlight and is very introverted and quiet most of the time. Although he was not present in the high-profile match against Japan U-20, he has only recently become one of the main players.

Currently playing as a Sideback for , he proved his abilities in their match against Manshine City. Although he never scored goals, that was never his goal.

His passes and combos pass through the opposing defense as if nothing had happened. Even against Ubers, he easily broke through their defensive formation of Aiku, Aryu, and Niko and passed the ball to Isagi.

Ranze Kurona: Full Stats in Blue Lock

Ranze Kurona: Complete Stats in Blue Lock

During the last evaluation before his match against Ubers, we saw that his total score is now 83, as he is comfortably placed at rank A. His score has also increased by three, since his last match.

had also spoken about this subject before the match. He said that Ranze Kurona had some of the best combos and syncs with Isagi, and it would be a waste not to use him.

We've also seen how deadly and powerful their combo is at different times. But, for this evaluation, we don't have an idea of ​​his scores and what changed there.

Going back to his previous review scores, we have the exact numbers for all of his stats. She was also taken before the Manshine City match, and her plays in that match had a huge impact on her score.

Ranze Kurona had a total score of 80 and barely made it to A level. Going off his best stats, he has a speed of 90, which is pretty good since the highest speed we've seen in the series is that of Chigiri of 98.

His dribbling is his second best attribute, which is almost a given for his position, and he has a score of 86 on it. While he may not be on par with monsters like Bachira who have a 95 rating, he's still pretty good.

Next, his passing skills are at an average score of 81. These three attributes combined make him one of the best support characters present, just like Ness and Reo.

He has a decent 77 on offense and 75 on defense. And finally, he has below average shooting ability, with a rating of 71. This is mainly due to the fact that he hasn't scored at all in these matches.

Ranze Kurona: All Abilities

Ranze Kurona: All Abilities

  • He is very fast on the ground and can move reflexively quite easily, considering his speed score.
  • With this, he can also switch from offense to defense in the blink of an eye, something opponents don't expect.
  • Super precise dribbling skills, which allow him to easily pass all defenders and help others.
  • Precise, precise passes, exactly where Isagi needs the ball.
  • This was shown to us several times, how Kurona managed to get passes that would have been almost impossible for others.
  • His move combined with that of Planetary Hotline's Isagi easily tears through defenders, giving Isagi a great chance to score.
  • Kurona's positioning and football IQ are also pretty good, based on what we've seen so far.
  • He was always able to receive or pass the ball to Isagi.
  • Kurona is also easily able to follow Isagi's thought process, even when the latter was using Meta Vision.
  • This shows Kurona's game sense and ability to adapt to any strategy Isagi has.
  • All of these give Isagi various options on the soccer field and increase his scoring opportunities exponentially.

Blue Lock FigurineCome and see

Some Interesting Facts About Ranze Kurona in Blue Lock

Some Interesting Facts on Ranze Kurona in Blue Lock

  • Ranze Kurona does not express his emotions much and is very introverted.
  • Even though he is in a competitive environment, he does not have his own ego.
  • He doesn't want to stand out and that's one of the reasons why he doesn't score goals on his own.
  • Even though he could have become one of the best strikers in , he chose not to become one.
  • Ranze Kurona is also very loyal to Isagi and has stated that he would stay with Isagi if they were both in the field.
  • He was one of the main reasons behind Isagi's first goal in this Neo-Egoist League.
  • Just like Reo, he hides behind the curtain to make Isagi and her pieces shine more.
  • But unlike Ness, he still has his creativity and unlike Reo, Isagi isn't entirely dependent on Kurona either.

This marks the end of our article on all things Ranze Kurona in Blue Lock. We will be back with more interesting and new updates, so stay tuned and read some of our other works until then.

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