Dust, the enemy of your collection

Dust is a big problem for everyone, isn't it? And often we need to clean everything up and get rid of our biggest enemy, especially for those who can't afford Detolfs or people like me who live in countries where Detolf is not available at home. sale.

Dusty Manga Figurine

In my case I have a modified shelf closed with acrylic on each shelf (glass was too expensive at the time I made it XD) the effect is the same, in the future I plan to change this .

But before that, they were hanging in my normal shelves and that's where dust lives and likes to accumulate, so how do you clean it without damaging your figures?

A) Microfiber cloths

Why microfiber? Well, this cloth is delicate enough that it won't damage anything, so clean surfaces and figurines with it. Microfiber is a very common cloth that you find just about everywhere, from grocery stores to supermarkets.

B) Makeup Brushes

Yes, it is a very useful tool, a makeup brush, which you can easily buy in any makeup store or pharmacy, it is delicate and cleans a lot, plus using it to clean avoids damaging small parts or details of figurines, (like Nendos or figurines with small detachable parts),

Try NOT to use dust collectors, as you may knock over the detachable parts or simply damage some delicate parts, use makeup, it's safer. Don't forget to come see the Pop up parade .

C) Running water

Worst case scenario you can put your figurines under water and clean them, use a soft sponge, DO NOT use hot water, lukewarm to cold water is best, you can also soak them in water for a while, and DO NOT use chemicals please! Do not use bleach etc... Do not do this as you may permanently damage the paint, just water and neutral soap, also use the soft size sponge or cloth microfiber to clean it.

These are the most common methods for dealing with dust and cleaning everything. If you have another solution, please share it in the comments!