How to maintain your figurine collection

With a mixture of excitement and impatience, the delivery van slides past my door, evoking the impatience of a child awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus. My hurried steps lead me there immediately, my heart beating to the rhythm of the imminent discovery of my long-awaited precious figurine. In the brilliant excitement of the moment, I open the package with contagious excitement, letting out a burst of enthusiasm with each fold of the bubble wrap that I untie.

However, beyond this first emotional embrace, a new responsibility awaits me: that of preserving this cherished figurine from the rigors of time and the vagaries of the weather.

How to maintain your figurine collection?

Control humidity and temperature (35-45% humidity and 21°C), Avoid exposure to direct light, reduce dust and particles by placing the figurines in an airtight shelf or a place with can air exchange.

The Environment of your Figures

The environment where your precious figurine collection resides holds the power to preserve its splendor with surprising ease. Being aware of this crucial influence is giving yourself the key to maintaining their brilliance and integrity over time.

Humidity and Temperature Control

Maintaining precise control of humidity and temperature is crucial to preserving your figurines, which are similar to delicate works. Techniques used in renowned museums such as the Tokyo National Museum or the Conservation Department of the Louvre have established that an environment with humidity between 35 and 45% and a temperature of 21 degrees offers the best chance of preserving the integrity and shine of your figurines over time.

Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC), also known as vinyl chloride in French, makes up a large part of the figurines. However, it is important to note that PVC does not tolerate hot and humid climates. It tends to absorb moisture, which can cause permanent stains on your precious figurines. Therefore, to ensure the long-term preservation of your objects, it is strongly recommended to maintain a controlled environment with humidity levels between 35 and 45% and a stable temperature of 21 degrees.

Avoid Exposure to Direct Light

It is imperative to take precautions to avoid direct exposure of your figurines to light, whether from solar or lunar UV rays. Indeed, this UV radiation is extremely damaging for your figurines. Although PVC will not melt like ice cream in the sun, given that its liquefaction point is at 185 degrees Celsius, it is important to understand that subtle damage can occur over time.

Even if the changes are not immediate, prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause unwanted changes. The figures can gradually change color. White surfaces may turn yellowish, while overall colors may fade as UV rays ooze oil from the figurine's materials, gradually letting it dry out.

To maintain the original appearance and quality of your figurines , it is recommended to protect them from direct light by placing them in places where they are not exposed to UV rays from the sun or moon. Using display cases or enclosures specifically designed to block UV rays can also help prevent these unwanted alterations.

Choosing the Right Location for the Exhibition

The location where you choose to display your figurines is of utmost importance in maintaining their integrity. It is crucial to take various factors into account in order to preserve your collection in the best possible conditions. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Home environment and precautions : If you have small children or are prone to clumsiness, make sure the chosen location is out of reach of curious little hands. If your floor, cabinet or shelf is not perfectly leveled or attached to the wall or floor, it can potentially cause imbalances and accidents. Taking care of these little details can prevent the nightmare of finding your precious figurines in pieces.

  2. UV Ray Protection : Have you taken steps to limit your figurines' exposure to UV rays? Opting for special glass designed to block UV rays can go a long way in preserving the colors and appearance of your collectibles. UV rays are notoriously harmful to fragile materials and can cause unwanted alterations over time.

  3. Pets : Make sure your exhibit is out of reach of your pets. Animals can be curious and playing with your figures can cause irreparable damage. Avoid any exposure that could allow your animals to reach your collection.

By considering these aspects and carefully choosing the location of your display, you can ensure the long-term preservation of your figurines. This will not only ensure their physical safety, but also protect their aesthetic and sentimental value.

    Risk assessment of your figurine collection

    Prevention, prevention, prevention. Having a plan is imperative in order to grow your collection in a natural and hassle-free way. It all starts by assessing the risks that could affect your figurines. Limit breakage and unpleasant surprises.

    Identify Potential Risks

    • Dust and Particles : Dust can build up on your figures and cause damage over time. Airborne particles can also settle on figures, altering their appearance. Placing your figurines in closed display cases can greatly help limit the deposit of particles on the figurines.

    • Accidents and Falls : A poorly secured location or careless movements can lead to accidents or falls of your figures, seriously damaging them. Attach your display cases to the floor or wall and plan your movements when moving your figurines. A simple banana peel or misplaced toy can ruin your day.

    Prevent Dust and Particles

    • Display Cases or Cases : Use special display cases to protect your figures from dust and airborne particles. Sealed display cases effectively prevent the entry of these harmful elements.
    • Regular Cleaning : Regularly clean your display cases with soft, non-abrasive cloths to remove accumulated dust. Avoid the use of harsh chemicals. a simple soapy one with a mild detergent is sufficient

    Protect against Accidents and Falls

    • Secure Location : Place your figurines in a stable and secure location, away from high traffic areas and potential risks of shock.
    • Fixings and Leveling : Make sure that the furniture on which you display your figurines is securely fixed to the wall or floor to avoid accidents due to imbalance.
    • Protective Barriers : Use discreet barriers, such as glass or clear acrylic shields, to prevent direct contact with your figures while displaying them.

      Preparing Your Collection for the Future

      With good planning, collecting becomes a real pleasure, without stress about the location of the boxes and figurines, nor the possible curiosities of the cat. You can even consider the next steps for your collection.

      Planning a Rotation Strategy

      Implementing a judicious rotation strategy helps avoid fatigue while preserving the quality of your figurines. Changing the atmosphere throughout the seasons with figurines for Christmas, Halloween or sakura time in spring adds a touch of freshness. By regularly changing the pieces on display, you give each element the opportunity to shine while avoiding overexposure. Your guests will always be curious to discover the new displays and this will enrich the experience of your collection.

      Consider New Acquisitions

      When new acquisitions enrich your collection, you can welcome them by thinking about their harmonious integration. Take into account thematic and aesthetic coherence, as well as the space available, to ensure optimal presentation. Nothing better than showcasing your collection with the new figurines of the moment.

      Anticipate Environmental Changes

      Foresight is essential to maintaining the quality of your collection over time. Environmental changes, such as fluctuations in temperature or humidity, can impact your items. By anticipating these variations and adapting your protection measures, you ensure optimal preservation. To avoid getting bored, consider changes such as selling, buying, restructuring, modifying, building or even downsizing your collection. All of these ideas help make your collection a unique piece that reflects your personality and passions.