Asa Mitaka vs Denji: Who is the better protagonist

Asa Mitaka vs. Asa Mitaka Denji: Who is the better protagonist in Chainsaw Man

Asa Mitaka vs Denji is a very rare battle in which they both compete for the title of best protagonist. The second part of Chainsaw Man introduces a new protagonist, , who is completely different in every way from the series' first protagonist, Denji.

As a result, fans were desperate to know in what aspects they differed from each other. So this is a great way to find out who is the best among them with the ultimate showdown, Asa Mitaka vs Denji. So, let's get started!

Who is Asa Mitaka in Chainsaw Man?

Due to her unsociable character, she prefers to live alone and has a very different worldview. Her hatred towards her own classmates is so great that she wishes them to die. Later in the series, she nearly dies at the hands of the class president, who is under contract to Judge Devil.

However, luckily, she saved her life by taking control of her body and making her a war demon. Later, War Devil gives him the mission to kill Denji in order to take revenge. As a result, she continually tries to seduce Denji through different means to befriend him.

Is Asa Mitaka a devil in Chainsaw Man?

Yes, Asa Mitaka turns into a devil after being saved by War Devil. Although she was a demon demon, she had control of her body and only half of her brain was taken by War Devil.

As a result, War Devil and Asa Mitaka share a single body which makes her a living demon, an extremely rare species of devil. After becoming the host of War Devil, she gains all the access she needs to use her power and abilities to any extent.

Asa Mitaka: Power Level and Abilities

Asa Mitaka Power Level
  • War Devil Power: Due to the fear of war between humans, War Devil is considered one of Chainsaw Man's most powerful devils. After becoming the host of War Devil, Asa Mitaka became capable of using War Devil's power at any time.
  • Item Weapon Creation: She has a special ability to transform anything she owns into a weapon. The more emotionally attached she is to her possessions, the more powerful they become weapons. Throughout the series, she has created several powerful weapons from her belongings, such as the Uniform Sword, the Aquarium Spear, the Chainsaw Man Motorcycle, and the Room 606 Sword.
  • Creation of Flesh Weapons: Asa Mitaka is not only capable of transforming non-living objects into weapons, but also living beings into weapons. Additionally, she has created several powerful weapons, such as nail knives, from parts of her body, such as nails.
  • Exceptional Swordsmanship Skills: As seen, most of her weapons are swords which she wields very well like a samurai. Additionally, she also usually carries a katana, with which she is most accustomed to fighting her opponents.

Who is Denji in Chainsaw Man?

Denji in Chainsaw Man

Denji is the main protagonist of the public safety saga in Chainsaw Man, or simply Chainsaw Man Part 1. He is a teenager who is always overworked to pay off his father's debt. The debt is so high that he never repays it in his entire life, even though he sells most of his body parts, such as his right eye, kidney, etc.

Later, he makes his very first friend in his entire life, who is a cute devil, Pochita. After a series of events, Denji is unfortunately killed by Zombie Devil and merges with Pochita, making him a hybrid devil.

Later in the series, he unlocked his hidden evil power and unlocked different powerful forms, such as the Hybrid Devil and the Chainsaw Devil. Throughout the public safety saga, he brings us many epic battles and perfectly shows his incredible power and abilities.

Additionally, Denji also plays a second main role in the Academy Saga and still shows his formidable power while fighting newly introduced but formidable demons.

Denji: Power Level and Abilities

Denji Power Level
  • Superhuman Powers: After merging with Pochita, Denji became a superhuman with tremendous strength, durability, and speed. Additionally, he can use his superhuman abilities even without transforming into a hybrid devil form.
  • Hybrid Transformation: Denji can transform into the deadliest chainsaw devil after removing a rope from his chest. In his hybrid transformation, his superhuman abilities went to the highest point and made him invincible.
  • Devil Transformation: He also had another transformation called Devil Transformation, which is more formidable and invincible than the Hybrid Transformation. You can estimate the power level of Denji's original evil form by the fact that he killed Makima 26 times in this form.
  • Terrific Hand-to-Hand Combat: Aside from his evil powers and abilities, Denji is also an excellent fighter with great hand-to-hand combat skills. This is why he always starts his hand-to-hand combat without transforming into his evil form.
  • High Combat IQ: Denji never attended any school or college, but he's not stupid. He had street smarts and a high combat IQ, which he always used to find a way to defeat mysterious demons.

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Asa Mitaka vs. Denji: Is Denji a better protagonist than Asa Mitaka?

Is Denji a better protagonist than Asa Mitaka

Denji is definitely a better protagonist than Asa Mitaka in the Chainsaw Mang franchise. This is only because Asa Mitaka doesn't have much time to develop her character. On the one hand, Denji has played a role in the entire Public Safety Saga and is currently also playing a second lead role in the Academy Saga.

On the other hand, Asa Mitaka just appeared in Academy Saga and needs more time to develop her character. In terms of development, Denji easily conquered Asa Mitaka.

So what about fighting the terms? Let's find out who wins Asa Mitaka vs Denji in terms of fighting skills, according to the current arc of the manga.

1) Based on strength:

Denji will easily win this round of strength. After all, Denji has already shown his superhuman strength by defeating countless powerful demons in Chainsaw Man. On the one hand, Denji easily slaughters demons just using his pure strength. On the other hand, Asa Mitaka is entirely dependent on his War Devil's abilities.

2) Based on speed:

Denji won Asa Mitaka against Denji again, the ultimate battle of speed. Denji's agility and movements are completely different from Asa Mitaka's.

In none of his fights does Asa show any lightning-fast moves that challenge Denji. On the other hand, Denji shows a lot of time in his epic battle in Chainsaw Man Part 1.

3) Based on capabilities:

This is the round in which Denji and Asa Mitaka are on the same level. Denji possesses powerful transformations such as Chainsaw Form, Devil Form, and Hybrid Form, as well as a wide range of .

Asa Mitaka also possessed a wide range of abilities, including weapon creation, which she obtained from the War Devil. However, Denji still won this round after being transformed into his original Devil form, in which he defeated Makima.

4) Based on sustainability:

Sustainability is another cycle in which they are both equal. While transforming into a chainsaw devil, Denji requires enormous durability to withstand his pain. Likewise, Asa Mitaka also makes weapons from parts of her body, including her fingernails.

As a result, they both had extremely durable bodies, capable of withstanding any pain. However, tearing the whole body apart to transform shows more durability than tearing nails to craft weapons. This is why Denji won this round of sustainability.

5) Based on regeneration:

Every devil has the ability to regenerate their entire body after being torn apart in battle. Denji had Chainsaw Devil, while Asa Mitaka had War Devil, and both devils are incredibly powerful.

As a result, they both have exceptional regenerative abilities which they demonstrate throughout the series. Not being involved in as many battles against formidable opponents, Asa Mitaka lost this regeneration cycle against Denji.


Here are all our detailed comparisons of Asa Mitaka vs. Denji. Denji won all five rounds against Asa Mitaka, whether it was a fight of strength, speed, durability, regeneration, or abilities. He also played a very prominent role in Chainsaw Man and does the same in Part 2.

As a result, Denji is definitely the better protagonist than Asa Mitaka in the Chainsaw Man franchise. Check out our others and stay tuned with us for more anime articles.

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